By DWA based upon an earlier article from Jerry Marzinsky
One of the most critical aspects of fully recovering from depression or paranoid schizophrenia is for the patient to realize that the derogatory voices they experience are not coming from their minds and do not belong to them! They are foreign entities who are energy thieves, peace killers and terrorists living among us all. They are not generated in the victim’s brain despite the fact that they may sound like the victim’s own thoughts. They are interlopers who mix with and masquerade as our own thoughts.
They don’t want us (you) to know this. (Which is why many will have a hard time making it through this very revealing and rewarding article. Remember this while reading on and see/feel the “opposition” for yourself!) These entities want you to believe that they are your out of control thoughts and that you are crazy and prone to attacking yourself. The thing they fear most is you realizing that theirs are not your thoughts and do not belong to you at all. They are telepathic broadcasts from malevolent, non-human sources.
And just for the record, we know that not all of these beings are bad and destined to Hell, there are good ones and those in between just like us. (i.e. QFC 72:1-11, 7:38, 7:179 & 55:56) Hence we will often say “the demonic jinn” so as not to cast undo disparagement upon the rest of them.
Aside from these enemies themselves, there are a number of other powerful forces blocking your coming to this conclusion on your own. The first is as we are taught from childhood on, that all thoughts in our minds belong to us. For if you are having them, who else could they belong to? This is far from the truth. We are spiritual beings in a world chock full of other spiritual beings that send and receive all sorts of information on a moment by moment basis. It’s why dogs know when their owners are coming home and why the hair on the back of your neck often stands up just before something bad happens. There’s a lot more going on in this life and in the back of our minds, everyone knows it. (Especially those in the back of our minds!)
Yet the higher ups in psychology and psychiatry (the vast majority of which are jews) never have us ask what thoughts actually are or where they come from because they’ve studied what many call “magic” for millennia and already know the answer. Psychiatry, psychology and the jew-ish medical establishment do not popularize this topic because they want us all to operate on the assumptions that thoughts originate somewhere in the individuals brain.
The Truth is, this is akin to saying a radio signal originates within the radio itself. The establishment insists on this lie despite the fact that in NONE of the tens of thousands of autopsies done on human brains has anyone ever found or extracted a thought. It’s no different than the silence from a dead radio, there is nothing being produced by the radio itself because nothing ever did, none, notta, zip. The information comes from somewhere else and in our case, those who’ve died and came back, consistently report identical findings. “THEY’ left and came back, often times overseeing the events that led to their revival and knowing the faces and names of the doctors, nurses and other strangers who were handling their bodies or looking on.
So, let’s think of thoughts like an invisible form of energy akin to radio waves. They are non-physical transmissions of information. They are not physical and are not amenable to physical examination. A reasonable facsimile to the brain really would be the transistor radio.
This really is a pretty good analogy to how the brain works. You hear a voice inside your head talking to you and making you feel things all the time. You assume these thoughts are coming from your brain because that’s what you’ve been taught and that is the only thing inside your skull where you hear them. Indeed, you actually have the experience of them residing inside your head but if an autopsy were to be done on your brain no thoughts would be found. Of course you, the soul/spirit who the brain belonged to would not be found either.
So, your brain is akin to a radio receiver that receives messages aka thoughts. However, its as if each of our receivers have been identified, isolated and used by “others” to communicate with us. Of course we should note that not all of said others are bad. Most people believe in angels and God and many have had profound experiences which solidified those beliefs. But we’re here to discuss the negative entities, the enemies within. Now we know some people have learned how to temporarily limit the reception of communications from these enemies. (i.e. via prayer, positive thinking, associating with friends, distracting ourselves with other things, etc.) But as soon as we stop doing any of those things the jinn can get us to refocus on them, they essentially re-tune the channel back to the playing of their lower frequency, negative thoughts.
This can often result in a perceived loss of control of thought processes by the individual. Since they can’t conceive of an external force taking control of their thought processes they often conclude that something must be wrong with their brain. Eventually many end up in front of one of the high priests of the psychiatric mafia where their condition is said to be a physical chemical imbalance in their brain. Many at the same time are given the hopeless message that depression and/or schizophrenia are life sentences. However, if you were to ask what lab tests exist to affirm this declaration of a chemical imbalance, the psychiatrist cannot give you an answer. They would not be able to give you an answer simply because no such tests exist, or have ever existed. This is a fact.
What people don’t understand is that neither the psychiatric mafia nor their big pharma handlers have any proof that either depression or schizophrenia is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Nor do the psychiatric mafia or big pharm have any answers to which brain chemicals would be out of balance or by how much if they were. More surprising still is the fact that aside from basic components found throughout our bodies, they don’t even know what the correct or healthy chemical balance of the human brain would or wouldn’t be.
The chemical brain imbalance theory of mental illness was completely fabricated by a large pharmaceutical manufacturer back in the 1970’s in an attempt to explain why psychotropic drugs supposedly worked. The chemical imbalance theory was created to quell big questions about our spiritual existence, our spiritual enemies and our spiritual friends, all to promote drug sales. Although the lie has long since been disproved this has not stopped big pharma from proliferating it. All the medical schools have been under the strong influence of big pharma since 1910.
Tens of thousands of psychiatry students were and still are being programmed with this chemical imbalance deception in medical schools all over the western world and many graduates still believe it to be true. But the truth is that there is no chemical imbalance in the brain or any other non-physical related condition that causes mental illness. Still, We the People are told that the only legitimate treatment for our supposed psychosis is the mind numbing drugs controlled by the psychiatric mafia.
Another inconvenient fact left out by the psychiatric mafia is that these drugs do not cure any psychiatric condition. They merely suppress psychiatric symptoms as long as you feed money into to the machine that sells them. These deceptions proliferated by the psychiatric mafia and their big pharma handlers are a huge impediment to all of us in coming to a true understanding of this condition called life.
Since your brain really is akin to a radio, any assumption that something is physically/chemically wrong with it would be akin to your tuning your radio to your favorite station and someone mysteriously sneaking into your house and tuning it to acid rock every time you leave the room. After this happening for a couple of weeks, you might come to the conclusion that something is wrong with your radio and take it to a repair shop. After examining the device, any honest radio repairman would tell you it works fine and he can’t find anything wrong with the device. So, you take it home, set it to your favorite radio station and the next thing you know it’s playing acid rock again.
The above is very similar to someone being sent to one of the jew-ish high priests of psychiatry to have their tuner checked. After the patient tells the psychiatrist they are feeling depressed or hearing strange malicious voices that won’t stop they are told their brain is broken due to a mysterious chemical imbalance. They are then told that the only treatment is a host of mind numbing tranquilizers. What the high priests don’t tell their patients is that these anti-psychotic drugs are some of the most dangerous used in medicine today and that many who remain on them for an extended period of time will suffer permanent, irreparable neurological damage. Often times it’s completely disabling.
It’s much more difficult to come to the true conclusion that the voices are not your thoughts when the so called highly trained money grubbing experts are feeding you a lie that many of them themselves were brainwashed to believe. So to get on a real path to recovery, the lie you have been fed about your having a chemical imbalance in your brain must be dispelled and discarded. If you don’t believe me, plenty of research that disproves any such chemical imbalances is out there. Look it up.
After decades of failed searches to find a physical cause for mental issues, in an attempt to legitimize themselves and explain why their drugs worked, big pharma simply made it all up. They were careful to do so in crafty manners which members of the general public would not seek to disprove. They backed this lie with a massive propaganda campaign and made sure the universities were teaching this lie and blamed depression on some mysterious chemical imbalance in the brain. The fabrication of a physical cause gave the appearance of legitimacy to psychiatry’s use of new and highly profitable mind numbing psychotropic drugs. This is despite the fact that these drugs cured nothing but merely suppressed psychotic symptoms.
The chemical imbalance theory was a deceptive lie fabricated by big pharma in a failed attempt to come up with some physical reason why their mind numbing anti-psychotic drugs work and an attempt to convince you that there is nothing you can do about this condition other than take their toxic drugs. It was a marketing gimmick to sell more anti-psychotic drugs and it worked. Their drug sales escalated and with billions in profits they pushed this lie into the educational institutions via grants and pay offs and are continuing to do so despite the fact that their chemical imbalance theory has long been utterly and completely disproved. Despite their massive propaganda campaign a chemical imbalance in the human brain has never been found. They’ve never had any proof of it and still don’t.
The negative feelings felt and negative voices heard by people are of a very low frequency. They do not come from us, they are from “others”. And one of the biggest deceptions they attempt to pull off is to masquerade as us and our own thoughts. The last thing they want you to comprehend is that they are not you and the resulting feelings do not belong to you. Once you comprehend this you have identified the enemy whose intention is to remain under cover disguised as you.
We are taught from birth that all thoughts we experience belong to us. This is not true. The establishment has intentionally not addressed the question of where virtually all, if not literally all negative thoughts originate. The most obvious and easy to examine patients are the schizophrenics. It’s because unlike the rest of us, the voices they hear no longer sound like their own. Hence, if your feelings, thoughts and inner voices don’t sound like someone else, you’re not a schizophrenic.
But that doesn’t help when you stop to consider who is more deceived and/or worse off, someone who thinks their negative, often repulsive and degenerate thoughts are solely their own, or someone who very strongly suspects they’re not? (Because they don’t sound like themselves.) Which person is more likely to believe and listen to the actual messages/directions of the thoughts? See the problem? Not to say being a schizophrenic is easier, that of course is entirely false. It’s a nightmare. Just imagine having some asshole insert a speaker in your brain, turn it up full volume and set out to constantly distract you, degrade you and basically drive you insane.
That while the other person whose negative thoughts still sound like their own really hasn’t a clue that they’re not. And the asshole who’s doing the talking in their minds does so quietly and makes it seem like it’s only them at the helm like usual. If you’re not a schizophrenic, that’s the only difference between a you and someone who is. See the problem for all of the “normal” people? Oh, and just to be clear, all the assholes are the same, they’re still assholes. And they all run the same plays from the same playbook. That’s what we’re going to irrefutably prove here and it’s the only way for all of said “normal” folk to connect the dots.
After personally studying the voices schizophrenics experience in a number of different professional psychiatric settings over more than 35 years, and interviewing hundreds of schizophrenics, it has become clear that these voices are not random or meaningless word salad. They are not hallucinatory. They speak in full coherent sentences with an intent that is inconsistent with that of their victim. Unlike any real hallucinations, the psychotic voices run a series of unswerving, predictable, and repeatable patterns which are completely inconsistent with the definition of a hallucination, and common logic for that matter.
These patterns will become self-evident to anyone willing to set aside the establishment’s propaganda and take the time to speak to and listen to what schizophrenics have to say about the voices they experience. These destructive patterns appear to be universal. It’s as if they were all made from the same cookie-cutter. The messages the voices impart to their victims are the same for the patients I worked with at a large state hospital in Georgia as they were in a different psychiatric setting some 2500 miles away in Arizona.
The following is a listing of the common patterns these supposed hallucinations run. However, any phenomena that run predictable, repeatable patterns ARE NOT HALLUCINATIONS. Hallucinations are random; they do not run fixed, unyielding patterns. The question is what is the force that confines, directs, and holds these voices to this series of destructive patterns? 1,000s of years of practice on 100s of different hosts for each of the demonic beings maybe? Yep, same ole, same ole, and as we would expect after all that practice and repetition, they’ve got their game down so well, they never deviate from their playbook. Here comes the eye opener . . .
- NEGATIVITY: The most common and consistent trait of demonic jinn is that in the end they are always negative, derogatory, insulting, abusive, and destructive. In the easily studied cases of jinn in schizophrenics, we know they may seem to be positive helpers for short periods but they invariably turn on their victims once they gain their trust and begin attacking and telling them awful things about themselves and others.
- ANTI-RELIGION: The jinn are consistently anti-religious. They try to stop their victims from attending religious gatherings, reading scripture, memorizing and doing prayers or following any positive spiritual path. They become volatile if their host repeats certain prayers like the 23rd Psalm or many other verses found in other scriptures, especially the Quran. (Because it exposes the jinn a hundred fold more than any other scripture and they know it.) Some have reported of their jinn reacting to prayers like worms thrown onto a hot frying pan. One can easily liken this to the many stories heard from those who’ve done exorcisms, those are schizophrenics possessed by the jinn they and we are talking about.
- FOSTER AND CREATE NEGATIVE EMOTION: The demonic jinn consistently work toward the creation of a prolonged negative emotional state in their victims including anger, anxiety, paranoia, guilt, and shame. They do this by inserting negative ideas about themselves and others into the thought stream of their victims or telling them to do things that will result in turmoil between themselves and others. It could be a little insult while looking at a mirror, a scolding for stumbling on ones words or actions, or any other berating thought one has.
- DRAINING ENERGY OF VICTIMS: After the jinn attack, victims commonly report being severely energetically drained. They often report feeling as tired and lethargic as if they have been digging ditches in the hot sun all day. This is despite the fact that they had not done any physical work at all. Many patients reported they could feel their energy being drained moment by moment during these attacks.
- THEY GET STRONGER AND LOUDER AFTER SUNSET: The negative feelings and voices of demonic jinn consistently get stronger, louder and more prolonged after sunset. This of course is when many people drink “spirits” and/or consume other mind/will weakening substances and are most vulnerable. That said, the demonic attacks often continue into the night becoming most intense in the early am hours.
- THEY GET ANGRY WHEN IGNORED: One of psychiatry’s common textbook recommendations to people is to just ignore whatever negative feelings and thoughts are being projected upon them. However, in practice many people report there is then an escalation of negativity as if it their feelings and thoughts had feelings themselves and were throwing a tantrum for being ignored! It is commonly reported that they will even “get them back” for it at a later time by making the person fail at doing any number of things they were looking forward to.
- FOSTER SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR: The demons consistently advise their victims to behave in self-destructive ways that increase conflict, turmoil, and suffering. They sabotage positive actions on the part of the individual that would help them be happy or successful at any number of things that would bring them peace and satisfaction. The intent of the demons is clearly very different from the intent of their victims for themselves. Everyone has experienced this to some degree, we’ve all “shot ourselves in the foot” and these parasites are the only logical explanation. This becomes especially clear when we hear the stories of victims. One particularly memorable one was of a young man in his early 20s who had done some meth and went for a ride on his dirtbike. Upon making it to a lookout point next to a cliff, a voice said “gun it”. He did and nearly died breaking over a hundred bones! For any seasoned worker in the mental health industry, these stories are not uncommon, at all.
- FOSTER ISOLATION: One of their goals is to destroy marriages and positive relationships with family, friends and others. The ultimate aim is to get the victim to shut out all others and isolate themselves to eliminate any interference from others who attempt to help the victim. They isolate the victim by inserting negative, paranoid, and destructive thoughts into the individual’s thought stream. These thoughts often consist of lies such as your partner cheating on you or people are talking behind your back or plotting against you, or that people are just pretending to care about you.
- DEMAND THE ATTENTION OF VICTIMS: The jinn constantly work toward maintaining the attention of their victims to increase their control over them. They will often make us overthink simple things making them seem daunting, complicated and/or confusing. They constantly maneuver in a myriad of ways to snag and command the attention of their victim because it’s the only way they can keep them operating at lower vibrations and then direct them to behave in more negative, self-defeating, destructive manners.
- MANEUVER FOR INCREASED CONTROL OVER VICTIMS: The jinn steadily battle for increasing control over the individuals’ mind and actions. They do so in very methodical manners with no apparent concerns over how long it will take or what lengths must be undertaken for them to succeed. This way of thinking is obviously not short sighted as one would expect from the average human being living a normal lifespan and focusing more on the immediate future vs the jinn who are many thousands of years old and focus only on their goals of robbing us of our God Given Spirit no matter how long it takes.
- GASLIGHTING: The jinn are not only capable of gaslighting but are experts at it. One has to remember this is akin to hypnotism where the hypnotist is seen as the one who can make a person feel, see, hear, smell, say or do practically anything. But the hypnotist isn’t actually doing anything, they are fully reliant upon the jinn controlling the victims senses and thoughts. Since they have access to the proverbial cockpit over said senses, they are proficient at causing us to doubt our sanity by making people forget things, injure themselves or hallucinate sounds, visions, smells, pains and etc..
- MANIPULATING PERCEPTION: Indeed, the jinn are capable of causing their victims to interpret situations and information coming in from our environment wrongly to increase negative emotion, especially to induce any type of paranoia or hatred. For instance, a person with any kind of past brushes with the law may see a police car drive by their house and the jinn immediately jump in and make them imagine the police could be searching for them for some kind of crime. They will use whatever past negative events they can against each of us and magnify mole hills into mountains. If you’ve ever brooded over something someone did and then forgot about it, it’s because it wasn’t important and that was the jinn at work.
- COMPLETE ACCESS TO OUR MEMORIES: The jinn have complete access to our life memories. (Often more than we remember ourselves bringing up negative things from the long past.) They utilize this ability to pull up every ugly experience the individual has ever had, especially the ones that make them feel guilty. They then rub these things in our faces to generate negative emotional energy on which they feed. Many report that their jinn dredged up negative things they had done decades prior and had long forgotten.
- DEMAND THE VICTIM NOT TELL OTHERS ABOUT THEIR PRESENCE: The jinn don’t want us to speak to others about them going so far as warning us with imagining that if we do, others will think we are crazy and should be shunned or locked up. But if the victim has someone they trust who is willing to listen, this dissipates the negative emotional state. Of course the jinn know this, hence the tactic and widespread silence over the entire subject.
- STUNNED BY SHOCK OF SNAPPING A RUBBER BAND ON WRIST: Once the demons increase in strength from beating us down they dominate the thought streams. But the victim can take action to disrupt this process. i.e. Putting a rubber band on their wrist and snapping it hard stuns the jinn into a short temporary silence allowing space for the victim to recite prayers and/or implement other positive actions or mantras which weaken and short-circuit the jinn attacks.
- DEMONIC JINN ARE CONSUMMATE LIARS AND CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO KEEP ANY BARGAIN MADE WITH THEIR VICTIM: They are masters of deceit, lies, and deception. For example, they told one psychiatric patient they had been incessantly tormenting that if he poked out his eye they would leave forever. After he had done so and disfigured himself for life they returned to laugh at him for being so stupid as to trust them.
- THE JINN CONSISTENTLY STEER THEIR VICTIMS AWAY FROM ANYTHING THAT MIGHT GENERATE JOY: They drive us away from any positive activity or reflections that might make us feel good about ourselves or make us happy. They will commonly make their victims forget good memories and concentrate on bad ones. Everyone has experienced this to some degree, it’s that strange thing that happens when we know we should be happy about something that’s occurred but instead we aren’t.
- THE JINN CAN MANIPULATE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS WITHOUT SPEECH: They can often move in and lower our moods without any kind of noticeable stimulus. All of the sudden out of nowhere things are just dark or blasé. If they can prolong this negative state it clouds the victim’s world and incites more negative thinking and extended feeding upon our souls.
- SHORT CIRCUITING OF REASON: The demonic jinn short circuit reason by urging a negative knee-jerk reaction to stressors or perceived slights, often seriously damaging relationships. They jump on and take advantage of anything that goes wrong in the victim’s life to feed and inflame the situation to keep them focused on the negativities of any given situation. In fact, the single best sign of their presence is when someone is acting illogically and/or being unreasonable.
- BOREDOM IS BAD: Many people are aware that if they allow themselves to become bored they can end up in a dark place. It’s why we often prefer to stay busy, this is our instinctual mode of combat so the jinn can’t move in, fill the void and destructively dominate our minds with negative emotions, memories and thoughts. Hence why fear, loathing and self destructiveness are well known to many with idle hands.
- DEMONIC JINN TRY TO PASS THEMSELVES OFF AS THOUGHTS BELONGING TO THE VICTIM: For non-schizos, the jinn always disguise themselves as their victim’s inner voices making it difficult to identify them as an enemy. They’ll sound just like the thousands of thoughts that appear in the persons’ mind daily but their intent is to drive their victim in a negative direction. It turns out that many have had the urge to ask their voices, “Who are you?” Clinical studies show the response given is ALWAYS the same: “We are you.” One of the most effective ways of ferreting out which thoughts are the victims from those inserted by the jinn is for the victim to rule out differences between what would obviously be their personal intent from that of the voices. Again, the intent of the patient for themselves is significantly different and often more positive than the intent of their voices.
- SELECTIVE FORGETTING: The jinn divert their victim’s attention away from any therapeutic activity designed to oppose and weaken their “ownership”. In clinical cases this of course includes forgetting to take their antipsychotic/anti-jinn medications and keeping appointments. The individual may be excellent at doing everything else in their life as expected but not when it comes to their battles with the jinn!
- FILL THE VICTIMS MIND WITH IMPURE THOUGHTS ABOUT SELF AND OTHERS: The jinn will always do whatever they can to cause us to be drawn to perversion, debauchery and violence in whatever mediums available and to whatever extreme we’ve been conditioned to accept or even desire. Their favorites today are the many horror movies and pornography now available in HD at the flick of a switch. The jinn are why the slopes are slippery, once again it’s all done methodically by their design, a little at a time.
- DESTRUCTION OF POSITIVE SELF CONCEPT: The jinn consistently attempt to convince their victims that they are stupid, ugly, worthless, unlovable, a burden on others and that everyone would be better off if they were not around. If they succeed in this they will often move on to telling the victim to do everyone a favor and kill themselves. There are literally thousands of well documented stories out there about people hearing commands to do this or that crazy thing in their head and then doing it. Court records are full of such testimonials in every kind of criminal case one could imagine. Everyone has had this happen but most don’t flip unless the timing and circumstances are just right. To the jinn, it’s nothing more than a game of odds so, they just keep throwing the suggestions out there.
- ATTEMPT TO PULL THEIR VICTIM AWAY FROM REALITY: The jinn constantly attempt to pull their victim away from consensual reality and into their Hellish world of negativity and deceptions. They will warp and distort the victim’s perception causing the victim to interpret situations in the most negative manner possible when in reality there was nothing or relatively nothing going on.
- USE CONFUSION AS A MEANS. It can clearly be seen that the voices take advantage of confusing situations to instill negative suggestions and deceptions. This tactic is widely known to be effective and is not only commonly used by therapists and hypnotists but by govt intelligence operatives, propagandists and predators of all kinds. Something unusual occurs and we temporarily lose the ability to fully interpret reality while trying to understand what happened. It is at this point when the jinn are always more than willing to insert their suggestions. It works because the victim doesn’t like confusion and would rather latch onto the suggestions or false information.
- AVERSION TO ANYTHING POSITIVE OR BEAUTIFUL: The jinn have a distinct aversion to anything positive or beautiful and want to drive us away from joy or any positive endeavor, usually by use of distractions. They do not want their victim to enjoy life in general and therefore attack us with distractions whenever we’re taking in something good, appreciating the small things or being thankful for something big.
– Don’t take our word for it, check this out for yourself while going about your day/s. Notice how similar these thoughts are to all of us, albeit to a greater or lesser degree in differing situations. If you’re like us, life will have just turned into one big psychological lab experiment! (With some major rewards for those who take fastidious notes and put it all to good use!) Below are the most hated verses of the jinn;
The Holy Quran 113:1 -114:6
In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
Say: I seek refuge with Thee The Lord of Daybreak
from the worst of what exists
and from the worst of darkness when it darkens
and from the worst of the witches blowing on knots
and from the worst of the enviers when they envy.
In The Name Of YHWH: The Almighty, The Merciful.
Yea, I seek refuge with Thee Lord of mankind
Master of mankind
God of mankind
from the worst of the sneaking whisperers
who whisper evils in the hearts of humanity.
Woe to the fallen jinn and their degenerate inhuman
imposters! (aka jews)
This was part of Truth #1, return there to complete your studies.