This is our human attempt at producing a modern version of pseudo scripture. We created the original version of it for but it is too good not to have here as well!

Indeed, have you heard . . .





Prepare yourself. The average person will learn more about life from these 37 words than they did from all their years of school and church! (But it will take multiple reads to grasp it all.)



This work is based upon 52 years worth of full time research. It outlines the end results of “Operation Mockingbird”, a covert operation performed by INHUMAN world political, corporate and religious leaders in pursuit of their new world order. It was performed AGAINST we the ADAMITE PEOPLE of the world. And if that is YOU, now begins a life changing event of more worth and discovery than anything you ever have, or ever will come across.

This is the antithesis to them and their LIES

“We’ll know our disinformation (LYING) program is complete when EVERYTHING the Public believes is FALSE.” (LIES) William Casey, (an inhuman, luciferian, nephilim hybrid) Director of the CIA In Response to an inquiry of President Reagan (ditto) in regard to Caseys’ Goals With The CIA, 1981.

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a (REAL) conspiracy so monstrous they cannot believe it exists. The civilian (ADAMITE) mind simply hasn’t come to realize the EVIL introduced into their midst. It (CORRECTLY) rejects even the idea that (HUMAN) creatures could espouse A PHILOSOPHY WHICH MUST ULTIMATELY DESTROY ALL THAT IS GOOD AND DECENT.” J. Edgar Hoover, (another inhuman, luciferian, nephilim hybrid) Director of the FBI as quoted in Elks Magazine, August 1956.


What better place to begin than with . . .


Firstly, if God is not real, why all the propaganda, mistranslations and blatant LIES in every language on Earth??? For instance; In English versions of the Bible the satanic jews (not real Jews) intentionally mistranslated the FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND TEN (5,410!) uses of Gods Holy Name “YHWH(Yah-Way) into generic “THE LORD” so that We the People will be sent to Hell with them due to our inability to call upon and know Him BY NAME as required. Romans 10:13 EVERYONE FOUND CALLING UPON  THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.” (In the original Hebrew of the old testament that “THE LORD” was originally “YHWH” 5,410 TIMES.) The same critical requirement for salvation is also firmly repeated in; Acts 2:21, Acts 9:14, Acts 22:16, Joel 2:28, Joel 2:32, Psalm 124:8, 1 Kings 18:24, Zephaniah 3:9, Genesis 4:26, Genesis 13:4, Genesis 26:25, Zechariah 13:9, 2 Kings 5:11, 2 Timothy 2:19, and Exodus 33:19. Also see Romans 10:14 HOW ARE THEY TO BELIEVE IN HIM OF WHOM THEY HAVE NEVER HEARD?” This is about the REAL Laws which we are told to obey at risk of Eternal Hell. In this particular case the 3rd commandment; 3. HIS NAME IS YHWH, USE IT OFTEN AND REVERENTLY FOR NOT DOING SO IS TAKING HIS NAME IN VAIN.” Another reason the fake jews did it was so We the People of the world would not band together behind The Actual NAMED Individual, rather just GENERIC TITLES like “God”, “Theos”, “Dei”, “ALLAH“, etc.. (Yes, Allah is not a name, it just means “God” in Arabic.) So, those generic titles could mean anyone. (i.e. lucifer, zeus, amen, etc. who they worship BY NAME.) Now do you see why they lied to YOU about the Name Of The Greatest Individual in the universe and most important relationship in YOUR life? Imagine a world of about 1 billion Hindus, 2 billion Muslims and 3 billion Christians all being united behind YHWH, THE SAME AND ONLY GOD in their Vedas, Bible and Quran! Imagine this!!! YOUR MORTAL ENEMIES did not want that! They want YOU to be completely ignorant of and indignant to your Creator while being fundamentally divided from billions of your brethren the world over! And that is what they did, UNTIL NOW. Indeed, now YOU can spend 20 minutes in Truth #2 at to come to know WITH 100% SURETY the most important Truths required to truly succeed in this life! JUST 20 MINUTES TO KNOW OUR MAKER IS REAL, HIS NAME IS YHWH AND WE HAVE ENEMIES WHO WANT ALL OF US TO FAIL AND DISGRACE HIM!  (And those who do, will pay DEARLY for it!!!)


According to what scholars agree are all authentic scriptures, (the ORIGINAL books of the Vedas, Bible and Quran) life in either of the 2 heavenly gardens is somewhat Earthlike in that there are structures (mansions and pavilions), luxurious flora, friendly animals, succulent foods and pure waters. There are even libations, but they will not make you drunk, just sharper, happier and more thankful. However that is about it for similarities. It is written that the very best of our memories of this life will be forgotten in lieu of the grandeur of this glorious new existence! (Q 9:38) The souls of the successful will be given new, beautiful and perfect bodies that do not age, get sore, tired or sick. There is what we would liken to an infinite area of pristine lands full of majestic beauty, awesome wonders and thriving life to wander and explore without borders of any kind, total freedom to move about and do as we please. We will each have servants who love to serve and please us but are otherwise our equals and dearest of friends. No one will live in fear of anything and crime will be completely non-existent because all the lying criminals will be gone, permanently! And there will be no new criminals, in part because there will be no money or want for anything, everyone will have everything they could ever desire in endless amounts. We will shine with happiness and contentment but without foolish pride because YHWHs presence and nearness to His Angels will constantly humble us. It will be as if we were chicks nestling safely under the pinions of their parents wings. And there will be no idle talk, arguments or negative emotions whatsoever because everyone will be on the same page. The climate will be consistently perfect with beautiful energy beaming directly from God Himself whenever we turn towards Him in desire of it. And those ALLOWED to die striving and/or fighting for God are not only guaranteed Heaven, they will be in the uppermost of the two nearest to YHWH and His Arch Angels. (These Vanguard are forgiven regardless of what they did. Heb 6:10, 1 Cor 15:58, Rev 14:13, Q 2:243, 3:195, 4:100, 9:111 & 22:58.) Either way it will be the most beautiful existence one could possibly imagine with utter peace, joy and plenitude, forever. Sound worth striving for or do you think such a magnificent reward is just doled out to everyone for free? Not so! And for good reason when we examine what God Has Told us about . . .


People have wondered what life is all about for millennia but only now do we finally get a peek into our “unreal reality”. Like all the exacting mathematics in our DNA and atomic structures of the elements, life itself is data based! One huge database with programs of every sort churning along while EVERYTHING IS RECORDED. Imagine likening this life and the next to the Matrix, Avatar and how crypto currency is farmed. Anyone who has used gaming goggles will relate! (Just hook up the rest of the senses in a vast network to generate a LIFE/FILE for review at the time of The Programmers choosing!) Q 3:185Yea, every soul will taste death and your dues will be paid in full on the Day of Resurrection. FOR THE LIFE OF THIS WORLD IS ONLY THE ENJOYMENT OF A MASSIVE ILLUSION. FYI; Hell is a power plant for the universe, the agonizing pains, shame and wailing of its prisoners create energy. Q 11:119For this is why He Created them and hence the Words Of thy Lord are fulfilled as He Said: I Will Fill Hell with erring jinn and humans one and all.” The satanic jews rewrote most of the info about Hell in the Bible and Vedas to make Christians and Hindus think life is basically a joke. However, they could not do so with the Holy Quran which is quite clear in both sobering and frightening descriptions. From it, we know there are 7 levels of Hell, the lowest being worst. There is no morning, evening, daytime or nighttime because the sky is just dense black smoke hovering above the flames which repeatedly roasts the prisoners chained within it, forever. The 19 angels guarding Hell will give the worst criminals in the lower flames new skins often because once burned, their nerve endings stop conducting pain. And there is no water, just boiling pus to drink with thorns to eat that never satisfy. The shrill screams of others resound continually but each is utterly alone, forever. Inmates of Hell will be given their recorded memories of EVERYTHING about this life, both good and bad. The good memories will only add to their remorse because of the horrific states of trauma, loss and suffering they are in. The bad memories will be a source of constant torment due to their fullness in clarity. And the sins they failed to repent for will make them feel utterly ashamed for being so stupid. Plus, on the way to Hell we are told they will pass by Heaven seeing and hearing its exalted occupants who are witnessing their humiliating descent. This will cause the successful to give more thanks while being a reminder of intense regret to the losers, forever.


9/11 and nearly all other acts of terrorism and stoking of wars in the world were inside jobs called “false flags“. All the major ones were conducted by satanic jews for their ET gods, lucifer being the most well known. But there are millions, billions or maybe even trillions more of these ETs, we simply do not know. But we do know the evil ones help the satanic jews from behind the scenes by using their telepathy to freeze us in states of fear, confusion and DISBELIEF. Getting us to BELIEVE LIES and DISBELIEVE TRUTH is their entire game. And it is a massive underestimation to say that a billion or so innocent people have died in mass murders aka genocides of theirs. Plus the number of defenseless animals the jews have mercilessly imprisoned, tortured and killed is well into the TENS OF TRILLIONS, IF NOT HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS. So, 9/11 is but a drop in a sea of blood. That said, it is the subject of this teaser which like all the other WORDs is just a glimpse into the full reality more thoroughly documented at and So, let us recall that BUILDING 7 was not impacted by anything yet still dropped exactly, instantly and PERFECTLY just like the twin towers did. (Because they and #7 were long planned, well controlled, professional demolitions.) And that the entire WTC was owned by 2 jews who took out over FOUR BILLION DOLLARS worth of insurance, specifically against acts of terror just months prior to the event. Add that not so mysteriously, neither of them nor any of the 2,000 or so other jews normally working in the buildings were there on 9/11. And do not forget the 2 TRILLION dollars supposedly lost in accounting records due to the missile fired at the Pentagon. (That is 2,000 BILLION DOLLARS “lost in accounting”?!) Or that the self admitted, canuto flipping, satanic mason George Bush and a black witch were filmed showing off while conducting a satanic ceremony using school children in Florida to cast a spell on We the People of the world that morning. 5 minutes of that original, unedited film is really all that anyone needs and God made sure we have it FOR YOU! Watch it in Truth #1.


No sane person living today would put their head in a microwave and everyone knows why doctors and nurses protect themselves while doing x-rays. More and more of us are becoming aware that it is not wise to live or work near high power lines or cell towers. In fact, seasoned workers in the industries not only protect themselves from direct contact with live lines, equipment and towers, they distance themselves to avoid exposure to the invisible dangers that radiate therefrom. (Hence all the fences, locked gates and warning signs!) All the above are examples of avoiding radiation poisoning which tens of millions of “certain people” also do by limiting or completely ending use of 4G & 5G cell phones. THOSE IN THE KNOW also limit exposure to cell phones of others by making sure they stay at least SIX FEET away. (hint, hint) Yea, download “The Invisible Rainbow” .pdf linked to for free in Truth #3B for all the irrefutable facts one could ever need on this subject! And FYI; The symptoms of radiation poisoning are EXACTLY IDENTICAL to the initial symptoms of CV19. Repeat: EXACTLY IDENTICAL. And radiation poisoning knocks down your immune system thereby making it infinitely more likely that you will get a nasty cold, the flu and any number of other sicknesses due to opportunistic viral, fungal and bacterial infections. Many of said infections such as Strep can quickly become serious and commonly result in Pneumonia ending with death by suffocation. Especially for those with compromised immune systems, for example; from radiation poisoning! Can you connect the dots with just this little bit of overly apparent and self evident Truth? Yea, modern life is like being a sailor on an ocean of LIES but these Truths will allow you to plow through the big waves of LIES with more and more ease as you get your sea legs. And if you need a little more wind in your sails just recall the SWAT attacks on us by SATANIC COWARDS who fear these Truths more than anything! Add to that the $1,000 challenge to refute ANYTHING here and you have the perfect storm of SURE TRUTH. This next one is easier because it is 100% positive and based upon infallible mathematics. And by the way, if reading this online, you can turn off your wireless radiation connection because all of The WORDs are now preloaded in your browser. Ships ahoy!


666 is one of, if not THE most interesting number in all of creation. It is why lucifer and his satanic jews have demonized it to We the People in their Hollywood movies and other media while usurping and glorifying it for themselves. (Hence why 18, the sum of 6 + 6 + 6 is the “luckiest of numbers” to jews.) It is because they know God used 666 extensively to create us and our world. YOU and all other forms of life are made of carbon 12, the only atom with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons, 666. Your temperature is 66.6 degrees when we apply freezing as the zero point in Fahrenheit (like we do with Celsius) instead of 32 degrees. (98.6 – 32 = 66.6) And the Fahrenheit scale itself is based upon the 180 (60 + 60 + 60) degree range between freezing and boiling. God also, otherwise inexplicably, glorified 666 for us in FOUR SEPARATE Bible verses, each of a POSITIVE NATURE. He also secretly embedded 666 with gematria in very advanced scientific data we are only now finding due to computers. And due to GPS we now know God placed His FIRST 2 and greatest temples, Abrahams Kaaba in Mecca, then 1,000 yrs later Solomons temple (now the Dome on the Rock) in Jerusalem EXACTLY 666 nautical miles apart. And 1.666 is the FIRST approximation of PHI from the FIRST and also famous Fibonacci digits of 3 and 5. (5/3 = 1.666) And since we are on the subject of PHI; Mecca, the FIRST city on Earth (Q 6:92 & 42:7) is precisely at the actual mathematically famous proportion of PHI aka “the Golden Ratio” (1.618033) between both the poles AND largest East/West continental borders AND the Northern line of the equinox. Also, like the dimensions for building the Ark of the Covenant, the Acacia altar of Moses and Noahs Ark in the Bible, God also Instructed Abraham and Ishmael to make the footprint of the Kaabas length to width ratio at 1.618, PHI again! Yea, we now know that God used 666, PHI and also PI (3.141592) extensively in all of CREATION  AND  SCRIPTURE to let us know that it could only be His Work! Had we all been privy to this, we’d have known both creation and scripture are of uber intelligent design as is IRREFUTABLY PROVEN in Truths #2, #4 and #5. Hence, we would have taken more care in our considerations of the reality of God, the divine origin of scripture and our ultimate, OPTIONAL, Eternal destinations.


Truth #3 is a two part whale, part B of which irrefutably proves CV19 is radiation poisoning. It along with a long list of other supposed “flus” such as the 1889 Pandemic, 1918 Spanish flu, 1957 Asian flu, 1968 Hong Kong flu, 1977 Russian flu, 2009 Swine flu and a myriad of other mysterious sicknesses such as MERS, SARS and scores of others left unnamed. We know they were all caused by radiation emitted from new uses of electricity because the only people that got sick were those exposed to it! Truth #3B also shows how ensuing infections from opportunistic viruses, fungi and bacteria along with any number of diseases are exacerbated due to the weakened immune systems of those exposed to the radiation. Additionally, anyone who can read the ingredient lists in the vaccines will see they inexplicably contain additives such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and etc. which are all poisonous and toxic to the body even in the low amounts being sinisterly administered. Oh, and the initials E.O. on the test swab packages stand for “Ethylene Oxide” which the swabs are dipped in before packaging. It is well known to cause cancer, make both men/women sterile and results in brain damaging encephalitis from poisoning the blood brain barrier behind the nasal cavity where they are now jabbing people to test them for the first time in history. (Instead of in our mouths as ALL doctors did forever prior.) For blatant proof of that see our 9 minute movie “Awakening” on the homepage at Also watch all the vids at which irrefutably prove the worlds hospitals were empty, not full! Nurses were being laid off left and right in 2020/21 because people did not want to go to them in fear of getting sick. That and the fact there were far fewer patients due to the senseless recommended cessation of minor and preventative surgeries. (Which of course resulted in more sickness and death for many.) Yea, Covid, vaccines and the swabs were/are all about sickening, sterilizing, dumbing down and ultimately, depopulation aka MASS MURDER of non-jews by SATANIC jEWS. (Who coined the root “depopulatus” for the word “depopulation” to detract from said reality of MASS MURDER OF IGNORANT, DECEIVED, UNSUSPECTING ADAMITES.)


The word “jew” is short for “Judahite” which is a person who was from the tribe and/or bloodline of Judah. Or, it is also short for “Judean” which is anyone who lived in the ancient city of Judea. Neither of them have existed for millennia. Hence to say one is a jew is a blatant LIE. (Even if it is only to oneself.) And like use of the word “anti-semitism” it is more pure fiction because a “semite” is anyone who speaks a semitic language or is from an area of semites. Such are peoples who speak Hebrew, Aramaic or ARABIC, the latter of which makes up about 1/3rd of the worlds population today. Being a semite quite obviously has absolutely nothing to do with race nor religion. Therefore, we have TWO VERY BLATANT LIES coming from anyone who claims to be a jew or denounces anti-semitism which would be 1,000 times more accurately described contextually as ANTI-SATANISM! And the biggest lie of all is making anyone think they are jew-ish which is the greatest con on Earth. If you have been told or foolishly think that you are a jew, or ridiculously “part jew” (like “part Christian” or “part Muslim”) you are far more likely to blindly, ignorantly and stupidly empathize with or even defend satanic jews instead of exposing, fighting and killing them like the awakened Christians of Germany were just before WWII began. Hence the desire of all satanic jews is to make others think they are jews too! Send a sample of YOUR blood to any DNA mapping company (all of which are ran by jews) and wait for the results . . . They will tell you that you are ridiculously “part jew” like them! FOOLing non-jews into thinking they are jews, or even like jews in any way, is the entire point. (Because empathy equals sympathy and there is no place for either when at war with YOUR MORTAL ENEMIES!) This is one simple way to turn otherwise strong, Adamic, would be adversaries to jews into mush. Now stop to think about how many kids are born to parents who bought into this psychologically militant deception going back thousands of years! Yea, as far as races go, there are only pure humans from the line of Adam/Eve and human/ET hybrids exactly as ALL the remaining intact scriptural, archeological and historical evidence clearly proves! But what about “jew” pertaining to judaism you ask? Do not worry, we will get to that because it is the ONLY OTHER POSSIBILITY and once we do you will be able to firmly close the door on fake, SATANIC, luciferian “jews”.


The letter “j” did not exist until the late 1500s and therefore the name jesus did not either. (Nor did the word “jew/jews” leaving only “ews/yous”, recall how they want mass simpatico?!) Yea, and we now know the prophets actual name in both Hebrew and his native tongue of Aramaic was pronounced as “Yeshua” or “Yoshua”. Anyone can plainly see that could not be translITERated into jesus nor “hayzeus” in the Spanish dialect. It is not even close. (Names are NOT “translated”.) However the main pronunciation of “sus” or “zeus” is well known historically to be used for the Greek god of war commonly worshipped by ignorant/erring pagans and satanic jews. Before that the satanic Egyptian Pharaoh and his sorcerers who enslaved the Israelites worshipped “AMEN-rah” as their SON god. Can you put it all together? Billions of deceived christians go to church on SUNday and pray to jeZEUS ending with “AMEN” each of which are real, living, breathing, DEMONIC, extraterrestrial TELEPATHS of the same race as lucifer who want us to worship them. And do not overlook the fact that Yeshua was Gods Messenger and Prophet, neither of which are to be worshipped themselves EVER! He and every single other real Messenger of God warned us not to worship or pray to themselves because that is NOT honorific of our God, YHWH! And Gen 1:8/common sense tells us the end of every “day” is at dusk which therefore is when the next 24 hours begins. God made DAY-light on the first day which is why it is named “SUNday”. He later dedicated the 7th day of the week to Himself and a day of rest for us and our beasts, that is the “Sabbath”. This clearly means SUNday is the 1st day of the week and Saturday is last which begins on Friday at dusk. Did YHWH not give us plain, clear and explicit warnings at risk of ETERNAL HELL to focus on His WORDs and call upon His Name alone, especially on the Holy Sabbath from dusk on Friday through SaturDAY? That is 2 of the ONLY 10 things He told us we MUST DO at risk of burning in Hell for Eternity! So, where is jeSUS, AMEN or SUNday in those simple instructions from God? In the sick, erring minds of satanic LIARS and billions of poor, ignorant, christian fools deceived by them, that is where!


The satanic jews have used their control of literally ALL the major media and major websites to falsely demonize the Quran, Islam and Muslims who are REAL SEMITES. (And YES, the jews really do control ALL the major media and websites, ALL OF THEM.)  That along with an exhausting list of other things which obviously includes the governments along with the FED and every other central bank on Earth. Have YOU done YOUR RESEARCH on the subject? We spent 5 years or about FORTY THOUSAND HOURS fully documenting that at  And like everything else you will see from us, not one out of MILLIONS the world over has ever refuted a single word which of course is the most evident sign of TRUTH! Yea, and the satanic jews HATE Christians but especially Muslims because they ACTUALLY follow “The Teachings of Christ” which is the very definition of being a Christian! The jews also hate Muslims because they know their Arabic Quran cannot be altered or mistranslated like they have done with the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek books of the Bible and the Sanskrit books of the Vedas. And that is because there are millions of people who have the Quran memorized word for word in the original Arabic exactly as it was delivered to Mohamet by Gabriel 1,400 years ago. (It is only about 1/10th the size of the Bible and when read in Arabic is like one long, memorable song of “rhythmic prose”.) So, if they tried to mistranslate it literally tens of millions of people would speak up and blow their deceptions out of the water! Hence why they blamed 9/11 on Muslims; to demonize them, Islam and the Quran so that unsuspecting people like YOU would keep their distance from all the above! All while it was actually the satanic jews themselves who did it, hence how 9/11 was just another jew-ish, satanic, masonic, false flag. And FYI, the “slom” sound in Islam means “peace” just like Davids home of Jeru-salem where Gods Dome on the Rock sits means “city of peace”. Hence, the satanic, luciferian jews are the only terrorists on Earth and anyone who opposes them are heroes who instantly become blessed by God. Alternately, those who remain supportive of OR DECEIVED BY the jews, are condemned to Hell by Him. Everyone has the choice and that includes YOU. Now recall the lying, satanic murderer George Bush saying “you are either with us or against us”. Well, he was right. Guess what we chose! The question is; Will you stand for your God and brethren, or them? (By doing nothing after this.) IT IS 100% YOUR CHOICE!


How did millions and millions of people continue to reside in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after those cities were SUPPOSEDLY attacked with nuclear bombs which SUPPOSEDLY left radiation with a shelf life of decades that SUPPOSEDLY would result in death to anyone exposed to it? And how could there still be millions of their descendants living there to this day? Newsflash; If the totally PSYCHOTIC and murderous satanic jews had any such weapon (who FOR INSTANCE in 1945 dropped FOUR THOUSAND TONS OF BOMBS on innocent Christians in Dresden Germany and NINETY THOUSAND TONS OF BOMBS on innocent Muslims in the Gulf War) they would have used them without limit to the point they would have already destroyed the world. That is just common sense. They would use anything to mass murder as many non-jew Muslim and Christian Adamites as possible. Anyway, there is no such thing as nuclear bombs. Big bombs and dirty bombs, yes. Atomic no. (Watch the Castro interview below our 1952 Hoaxters movie. See how long you can stand being LIED TO about nukes by that satanic jew! Betcha cannot make it to the end! Yea, that will do it, THERE ARE NO NUKES.) And furthermore, the Earth has never been, and will never be, hit by scary celestial objects. We will get to the reason below. For the moment just trust us when we say there are no such things as nuclear bombs or asteroids and no one but God can destroy the world, PERIOD. Yea, take a nice deep breath and begin letting all that evil, satanic bullshit they have been feeding you drain out of your mind. It is actually a simple, automatic process that happens when you replace lies with Truth like you are right now! Q 11:114 Truly Good replaces evil.” The key is how much of either you subject yourself to. Hence why the younger generations are prophesied to dominate the world in days to come. It is because of the sheer magnitude and number of repetitions of satanic lies that many older folks have allowed themselves to be subjected to, they cannot mentally undo things as easily as younger generations. And after 13 years of hard, full time + + “Truthing”, we being in our late 50s as of this writing can and do affirm that! This is not easy for ANYONE but the older you are the harder it gets. Recall Morpheus apologizing to Neo for freeing his mind later in life, this is what was being referred to and is how their lying “disinformation program” works!


Anyone who has taken in Truth #3 knows that cancer along with heart disease and diabetes barely even existed before the advent of electricity about 190 years ago. Many doctors spent their entire careers without seeing a single case. And the prevalence of said diseases has increased EXACTLY IN STEP AND PER LOCALE with our additions and new uses of electricity. Especially and most notably radars along with other wireless/wave technologies for radio, TV, cellular, internet, microwaves and directed energy weaponry. Now all cancer is attributable to radiation poisoning as well as the slew of noxious chemicals released over the last 70 years or so. However, we now know that ALL cancers are 100% curable without doctors, hospitals or chemo, the latter of which less than 1% survive when used as the primary “cure”. (Because chemo is actually a death sentence created by jews for non-jews.) They know SIMPLE, REAL and EFFECTIVE curative (and preventative) options include ingestion of a long list of natural stuff like apple cider vinegar, Rick Simpsons oil, many types of mushrooms, vitamin C, etc.. But the most important, effective and smartest of all is A GODLY DIET. Do your body and soul a massive favor by educating yourself at Truth #3. Watch the 3 very popular documentaries, they are excellent and everyone likes them. (Except the satanic jews who want to sicken, rob and kill as many non-jews like YOUs, as possible.) BTW; What animals have the highest levels of endurance and are the strongest creatures on Earth? Elephants? Hippos? Rhinos? Gorillas? That is right. Ask the same question about people across history and you can begin with the gladiators then end with the strongest, fastest, most virile/fertile, resilient, successful and attractive of athletes on Earth today. Now ask yourself; What do all of those mammals have in common? The answer; They are all VEGAN!!! (The exception for some of the athletes and other would be vegans is that they eat fish which is included in Gods Diet that He Prescribed for humans. We will get to that too.)


Knowing your enemies is job 1 in life and lucifer is among many telepathic “extraterrestrials” now living in Earths oceans and under the surface in a worldwide labyrinth of tunnels and caves. It is why there are cave systems beneath so many major cities. (See the History Channels “Cities of the Underworld” just for starters, there are 1,000s more.) The Quran notes this; 18:21 When humans contended with one another about the jinn (ETs) they said: Build over them a structure.” And that is what happened all around the world! The jinn/ETs are everywhere, most notably in Antarctica which was closed to the public in 1959 by the masonic UNs bogus “Antarctic Treaty”. Humans used to know and live with jinn. They went into hiding due to Gods Messengers exposing the evil agendas of some of them against us. We know for certain they even worked doing physical labor for many such as Solomon! Biblically we find that lucifer and his ET kind were known as “shedim”, “sons of god”, “baalim”, “familiar spirits”, “unclean spirits”, “devils”, “demons”, etc.. In the Quran (download it for free in Truth #5) we learn THEY ARE ALL OF THE SAME SPECIE of “jinn” who were here long before God Created Adam. And thereby we realize they built the pyramids and 1,000s of other megaliths on Earth. We also learn there are good and bad jinn just like good and bad people which leads to a very telling (telepathic) connection between us all! That connection is of upmost import to every human being which is why it is the subject of Truth #1. Fast forward to now when 2 of every 3 people have seen UFOs and in 2020 congress admitted to the reality of said aircraft of these “others”. There are millions of artifacts left by indigenous peoples everywhere which confirm their knowledge of this other race of extremely invasive telepathic beings. Some of the evil ones were even hunted down and killed by humans. (i.e. American Indians trapped one clan of jinn in a cave and burnt them to death for being cannibalistic.) And of course many fools have often worshipped them which is still true to this day. Hence, “luciferianism”, “satanism”, “masonry”, “witchcraft”, “sorcery”, “majick”, etc. “arts” practiced by jewish mystics and other sick, erring fools. It is why the Vaticans pedophiliac,  real-blood drinking popes, cardinals and bishops dedicate a song of prayer to lucifer BY NAME every Easter. You have heard their boastings of remains of children found there right?  They were molested, murdered and drank from in satanic blood sacrifices to their g-d Lucifer.


As if continuing from the above teaser about lucifer and other demonic ETs; Being telepathically connected with them is something that every human being experiences CONTINUALLY until dead. Outspoken psychological experts like Jerry Marzinsky have irrefutably proven it. See his vids in Truth #1. No one is exempt from this “possession” and ALL the scriptures around the world say so. IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT REALITY TO ALL HUMANS, BAR NONE. Indeed, this subject is what life is REALLY all about which is why it has become the most closely guarded secret in the world! (By both jews and jinn!) And tellingly, some people are bigger targets to them than others. We see this to be the case with those LIKE US who expose the jinn, especially priests, psychiatrists and of course all of Gods other Messengers. Like ALL of them, in the case of Yeshua, lucifer was a constant source of negativity and temptation. He even offered Yeshua his princeship over the world in exchange for submission to him. (Mat 4:9) Those who do not know how to resist their jinn/demons will become more and more possessed by them and act in ways defined as “psychopathic”. In the more severe cases add “schizophrenic”. Yea, we are not alone in our heads hence, not all of our thoughts our own. And YOU will know the difference when any of such thoughts seemingly of your own or those around you are illogical and/or unreasonable. For instance, not believing these Truths without doing due diligence in proving or disproving them for yourself. Only psychotic FOOLS disbelieve OR believe big things without doing their homework. That is the greatest and most important responsibility for absolutely everyone! Being unreasonable like that is the #1 sign of demonic possession and control. This subject is obviously of the upmost importance to EVERYONE. Which again is why so much scripture and the whole of Truth #1 is dedicated to it. YOU are not alone right now. YOU have NEVER been alone. And it is not just the jinn who accompany us, God and the angels have constant access to your LIFE/FILE all day, every day, 24/7! Again, this subject is what life is REALLY all about. It is a major reason why God sent 100s of messengers across 1,000s of years to warn us. And His  LAST Messenger. is prophesied to do it bigger and better than any prior! (Q 72:26-7) So, get ready to learn lots of wild stuff about demonic jinn/ETs! (Or remain deceived by and destined to Hell with YOURS.)


The word “judaism” is of modern origin and is not seen in any of the Vedic, Biblical or Quranic scriptures. It is because Judahites were YHWH worshipping Monotheists exactly like the other 11 tribes of Israelites. They did not have separate religions and there was never any such thing as “Judahism” which would be the correct spelling had there been. Indeed judaism is all just another blatant LIE used to cover up the actual identity and ideology of its usurping adherents. Old Testament scholars are NOT practicing judaism and those who study both the OT and NT are not “jew-deo christians”. Indeed, those who simply follow the teachings of Yeshua or ANY other prophet are REAL CHRISTIANS. They are practicing MONOTHEISM which is inarguably what Yeshua himself obviously did and taught. Again, that is de-facto the “Teachings of Christ” which is the very definition of what being a “Christian” means. It simply means belief in The One True Creator and God YHWH, along with adherence to His laws and following the teachings of ALL His Messengers. (Each of which are “Christs” which means “Anointed Ones”, like King David for instance.) Again, monotheism is what ALL Gods Messengers such as Krishna, Abraham, Moses and Mohamet practiced and proselytized. And with a little investigation we find that the authentic scriptures all have EXACTLY the same concepts excepting latter ones, (especially THE last one) come with expanded understandings of previous teachings and warnings. At any rate, there is no such thing as judaism being monotheistic worship of The One and Only Great God, YHWH. It is the opposite, jews and their rabbis worship lucifer and scores of other fallen ETs like him. Those are their g-ds and we will disclose what “judaism” really is below. Hint, it is about the actual book of psychopathic laws and rituals they practice which are most definitely NOT from the Bible or any other scripture from God!


At the lower levels, satanism is based upon the “ritual murder” of animals to invoke demonic jinn. At higher levels the victims are often their own infants bred specifically for sacrifice or, Adamite youths which is historically known as “blood libel”. These blood sacrifices are at the core of all majick, sorcery, masonry and witchcraft which have gotten those of said “arts/crafts” kicked out of 180 countries throughout history. (i.e. The 600 year intercontinental “Inquisition” and WW2 Germany for instance.) Then we have their now legalized “kiddy satanism” by way of majick, tarot, ouija, crystal balls or anything else that involves seeking the supernatural or telepathic help of anyone other than God. And whether they know it or not, they are all invoking the jinn like lucifer who have direct control over the SIX SENSES of all humans to varying extents. It is partly dependent upon the level of ones ignorance to this reality but more so their relationship with YHWH. The jinn work in tandem from behind the scenes among the masses with highly complex plans to achieve any number of outcomes. Hence it is the jinn who control the world, NOT our leaders. (Because they are full on jinn possessed FOOLS who agreed to it.) This is why all such fools can become rich and famous like many actors and musicians do. In the cases of masonic politicians and corporate execs you can add POWER to the mix of money and fame, which of course is why they all do it. Indeed, well beyond the satanic music/film industry we find the most widespread practice of satanism is at the political level within free masonry. There are now 4,500+ PRIVATE, WINDOWLESS, MEMBERS ONLY, CEREMONIAL(ritual murder) LODGES IN EVERY CITY ON EARTH. (Read that self evident reality again!) The masonic jews perform their satanic ritual murders to invoke jinn to mind control the masses of unsuspecting victims among We the non-jewish, non-satanic People of the world. Their main masonic tenet is to use “MATERIALISM, IMPOSITION & DESTRUCTION” to distract and oppress humanity. Hence being “MATERIALISTIC”, accepting “IMPOSITIONS” without resistance or being part to any form of unnecessary, major “DESTRUCTION” will lead to YOUR ultimate demise. God warned us about all 3. So, satanism is REAL MURDER of innocents. When human they often display missing posters. (i.e. In satanic/jewish Walton owned Walmarts and masonic govt buildings worldwide.) Yea, they are rubbing it all in YOUR FACE because they are evil. Get it?


Common sense and 3rd grade math combined with a quick look at the tiny earth ball tells us that the 8″ of declination per mile forever relied upon by professional navigators at sea can also be used to easily debunk the purported 24,864 mile circumference of the real globe. It is NOT a small world after all. A small area called Earth yes, the actual “world” on which it sits, no. And as clearly demonstrated by said 8″ declination, which could only exist due to curvature, it is most definitely not flat! That and another fast way to debunk flat earth is that the sun and moon would come and go as tiny dots on the E/W horizons. That is elementary, anyone with a peanut sized brain can easily comprehend it. Flat earth is satanic propaganda just like tiny earth is, neither are mentioned in any of the 3 main bodies of scripture. (The Vedas, Bible & Quran.) Other things scriptures are utterly and completely devoid of is a SINGLE MENTION OF DINOSAURS, EVOLUTION OR EARTH BEING M/BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD! And if you dear reader cannot see the purposes behind lucifer and his jews lying to us about all that, well, you are not paying attention! Instead of that BS, humans, the jinn and basically all the same creatures existent today have always been the only living things God Created to live in the “Earth Circle” 7,000 to 5,000 years BC. (Gen 1 & Isa 40:22) The Earth Circle sits on a MUCH LARGER GLOBE exactly as God Has told us all along. (Said 8″ declination tells us it is about 5,400 times larger in circumference than the supposed equatorial line.) These easy to verify facts and others are irrefutably proven in “The Big Issue” of the Goyim Gazette and in Truths #3B and #5! And had we not been deceived about Earths actual makeup, every human would have the epiphany of tying it all together with the authenticity of scriptures. And therefore the reality of God as well as the weighty existence and INEVITABILITY of ending up in either Heaven or Hell, forever. Indeed, are you seeing what the brunt of all the biggest deceptions on Earth are mainly about yet?


The 3,300 year old talmud is a book of bogus and racist laws concocted by lucifer via telepathy through possessed rabbis in his jew-ish minion. It is the first and greatest ever use of the “Divide and Conquer” strategy which all jews have swallowed hook, line and sinker. Hence they, the jews, are lucifers earliest and most egregiously deceived victims. However, their talmud is also the greatest book of HATRED, OPPRESSION and MURDER to ever have been written and is used by jews against all non-jews. Indeed, the 10,000+ page talmud is the entire basis of so called judaism which Yeshua was hated, harassed and supposedly crucified by jews for exposing. The same hatred was held by them for Mohamet but he too remained perfectly safe and unscathed while performing his 23 year long mission of delivering the Quran to us for God. FYI; When Yeshua is written to have spoken of “the traditions of the elders” in the Bible it is the talmud being secretly referred to. The irrefutable fact is that talmudism IS judaism IS satanism, period. And if YOU do not know about the talmud, YOU do not know YOUR ENEMIES and are far more likely to lose in the game/test called life! The cost for YOU will be psychopathy, albeit mostly indiscernible, then death followed by judgement and sentencing to horrific punishment in the worst prison imaginable, for Eternity. Indeed, see “The talmud Exposed” at and watch our 2nd movie “The Everything ELSE Clips“. Also do not miss all of our other movies banned by the jews (albeit unsuccessfully as self evidenced here) including “The Everything Clips“, “Hollywoodism“, “8 Days“, “All Wars Are Jewish Wars“, “When Do We Leave“, “Nasha“, “Chabad“, “The Finkelstien Interview“, “The Chemtrails Questionnaire“, “Satanism on 9/11“, “The FED in 15 Minutes“, “Paranormal” and of course “The End” plus “The End Explained“. View them all on the “Banned Movies” page at You cannot find them with any satanic, judaic, masonic search engine and you will not see them on joutube. That of course is more self evident proof you have found a bevy of the most important Truths in this world now rife with satanic, masonic, TALMUDIC, liars! But not for much longer, THAT MUCH IS 100% GUARANTEED BY GOD!!!


All the International space programs (US, Russia, China, Europe, Italy, India, Japan, France and Australia) are complete shams orchestrated by the lying, satanic, judaic, masonic, talmudic jews. (We are repeating these words with good reason. Just realize “Truthing” is an educative healing process that takes time and repetition. Google “brainwashing” to see just how much “someone” has obviously studied, focused on and implemented it!) Yea, and the bogus US space program “NASA” is a play on the Hebrew word “Nasha” which means “to deceive“. It and ALL THE OTHERS have logos with the v-shape like a forked serpent tongue which also clearly denotes the association with LIES from LIARS. Aside from Abraham, Enoch, Moses and Mohamet, no human beings we know of have been beyond the FIRMament. Just the word itself is of obvious and telling meaning is it not? Top jews and all their jinn/ET g-ds like lucifer know that we are all trapped by the firmament and they hate God for it! Countless military operations of theirs around the world have even shot missiles at it, albeit to no avail. Yea so, aside from God Telling us stars either are His Angels or are symbolic of them, and that the sun/moon are “in circles swimming” above the firmament, (Q 21:33 & 36:40) we do not know exactly what all the objects we see up there are. We do know from scripture God Created the 7 heavens and His Throne sits over the waters in the uppermost of them (Psalm 148.4) over the North Pole of the Earth Circle. Watch our movie “NASHA” in Truth #3. This is all True, outer space is 100% satanic, judaic, talmudic, masonic BULLSH*T! Remember, EVERYTHING IS A LIE. But that is actually GOOD NEWS because people like YOU still have a chance to LITERALLY LIVE FOREVER IN PEACE AND ABUNDANCE while our enemies are GUARANTEED HORRIFYING TORTURE AND REPEATED DEATHS IN HELL FOR ETERNITY. Yea, that is good news, you will see! (If you want to, or you can remain deceived by evil, satanic LIARS and therefore be self-destined to go to Hell with them.) BUT AGAIN, IF YOU ARE AN ADAMITE THAT IS UP TO YOU. GOD GAVE US THE GIFT OF FREEWILL!


After lucifers creation of the talmud to divide humanity by giving it to jews to make them falsely think they are superior to everyone else, we have the 2nd greatest use of the “Divide and Conquer” strategy. That being the creation of what are now 1,000s of different religious sects, with everyone thinking theirs is best. However, in Truth we find that there are only 3 faith based sects in our universe. Those are MONOTHEISM, POLYTHEISM and NONTHEISM. As you should know by now from the previous WORDs, MONOTHEISM is simply belief in The One True God YHWH. Error from that to POLYTHEISM which is belief in, and/or seeking of help from, anything or anyone other than YHWH. (i.e. jinn, angels, prophets, humans, idols, etc.) And NONTHEISM is flat out disbelief in telepathy, God and His unseen world of the “supernatural.” EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS EVER LIVED WAS OR IS OF ONE OF THESE 3 SECTS, THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION. So, if you are a believer in THE ONE TRUE CREATOR, stop thinking and telling others that you are this or that religion because that is a huge, satanic scam that only works on FOOLS. It is made to divide you from other believers who are your only real brethren in this life and the next! ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IF YOU LOVE GOD YOU ARE A MONOTHEIST SO PLAY THE PART! Here, let us try it right now; What faith/religion are you? Say “I AM A MONOTHEIST!” There, you have just defeated the #1 tactic of your mortal enemies and began uniting with the only people on Earth that are going to matter to you in the days AND EONS to come. And you will love them in this life regardless of their location, language, skin color or which authentic scriptures they read because you and they have the SAME GOD and are at war with the SAME MORTAL ENEMIES. The fact is, there is no uniting force greater than MONOTHEISM! Is that not an awesome realization!?  Yea, try it again; What faith/religion are YOU?


There are only two ways to get to the core of the mind to control it. The first and most effective is via our pineal glands with telepathy by telepathic beings, those being the jinn, angels and God, the latter of which trumps the other two. Hence, if God wants any of us, the jinn or the angels to do anything, it is as good as done. However, it is not a simple process when it comes to humans and jinn because He gave all of us freewill and God does not break His Covenants. So, in order to get us to do something, He first had to instill the tendencies/instincts into our DNA/programming then train and guide us over the course of our entire lives to where He Knows what choices we will make when the time comes. Think about this, it is the Pavlovs dog thing on mega-steroids and it is more very obvious evidence that we are in a Matrix or Avatar like existence! The angels on the other hand simply do whatever God Commands them to do, without exception, forever. (Sorta like AI/bots right?) At the end of the day/s it will be our interactions with the jinn, angels and God along with the choices we make due to them that determine our Eternal fates. The reality of this can best be examined by realizing there is no such thing as the human “subconscious”. That is just a bunch of satanic, psychological mumbo jumbo created to take our eyes off the real ball; telepathy from telepaths who really control the world. And they do so by using all of us! Yea, beyond both our instincts and involuntary bodily functions that God instilled in our DNA, there are only jinn, the angels and God (collectively the “ID”) that mentally “drive us”. And they are all at work 24/7 from birth to death. There is your so called “subconscious”. It is them, the jinn, angels and ultimately, God that makes us tick. We are only vessels with freewill to choose between options, compulsions and temptations. The 2nd way to control the mind is via brainwashing with LIES from LIARS, which in turn are reinforced via telepathy from demonic jinn. Therefore, if you continue to beLIEve LIES, ANY LIES, you are not experiencing the reality that God Intended for you. Hence REMAINING deceived is de-facto mind control and it is SOLELY YOUR CHOICE. We have all been repeatedly warned. “LET NO ONE DECEIVE YOU!” Mark 13:5 Really simplifies psychology and even life itself, does it not?


The jews have a saying “never again”. It means never let non-jews find out about them, talmudism or luciferianism again (like YOU are now) and they use the supposed holocaust tale to make non-jews pity them. But when we take the blinders off many things are clearly not right. For instance; Do you recall the HORRIFIC MURDER (renamed “genocide” to detract from the reality of it) of A HUNDRED MILLION totally innocent native American Indians AND ANOTHER HUNDRED MILLION awesome buffalo that were massacred by jews and those deceived by them to starve said Indians? How about the THIRTEEN MILLION totally innocent African youths brutally kidnapped from untold MILLIONS MORE of their murdered families and shipped to America to be enslaved by satanic jews and idiots deceived by them? Or the TWENTY MILLION innocent CHRISTIANS starved to death and slaughtered by the satanic jews in the 1917 soviet Bolshevik mass murder? How about more recently? . . . What about the FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND totally innocent and defenseless non-jew babies and young children that the satanic jews including Bush and Albright intentionally and SELF ADMITTADLY starved to death in Iraq in 1996? And what about the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of other We the non-jewish People of the world that have died equally gruesome deaths at the hands of the satanic jews continuing to this day, most recently under the guise of CV19/5G. (Maybe someone close to YOU?!) And let us not forget the FORTY MILLION COMPLETELY INNOCENT, NON-COMBATANT (and non-jew) MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN forcibly displaced at gunpoint for absolutely nothing they had done wrong in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya and Syria (to mention but a few countries) in just the last several decades. So what do ya think, still wanna buy into their “feel sorry for us holocaust bullshit”? WHICH DID NOT EVEN OCCUR! (Hitler, a jew, rounded up jews for their own safety until they could migrate, mostly to the U.S. & Israel.)


Let us imagine what it is like to know you are trapped on Earth, of impure, degenerate, non-human DNA and are condemned by God Who Has repeatedly and publicly decreed IN WRITING that your ancient ET fathers like lucifer AND THEREFORE YOU are all destined to writhe in Hell for Eternity. Now you know how your enemies think. Alternately, let us recall that God also repeatedly and publicly decreed IN WRITING that He Loves His innately Good Creations like YOU very, very deeply and accompanies you throughout life. And that He likes your success in defeating your enemies who promised to dedicate themselves and everything at their disposal to DECEIVING YOU into committing mortal sins to seal your Eternal fate. Yea, their most important objective is making God, Who Is YOUR BEST FRIEND honor His Word by sending YOU to Hell with them for Eternity. That is the deal and inevitably He will only do so because of your allowing them to deceive you about Him, Creation and the only laws that matter, HIS. As for His Creation, again take the world you live in for instance; “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.” Gen 1:7 Does that sky with water above it sound anything like what you were taught in jew school or learned from watching TV and movies from “satanic Hollywood?” And hey, see how you can believe that use of the word about satanism right out of the gate? Everyone knows the music and film industries are satanic right!? Now how about “jewish Hollywood?” Well, they are one and the same! Indeed, the term “satanic jews” should already have been among your most familiar and well used words instead of this being the first times you have ever heard it. Go ahead, try it on for size. Say; “It is the satanic jews” not anyone else among yous. Indeed, ALL non-jews are “soul mates” and children of God! (Except FOOLS who CHOOSE to remain complacent, divided and deceived by the jews and/or their jinn.) All this and the firmament are INESCAPABLE Truths. EVERYTHING you are learning here is! IT IS ALL 100% REAL & TRUE.


No one, including YOU, is alone in their head right now. We are ALL constantly mentally connected to God, the angels and at least 2 jinn throughout our lives. (Called “watchers”, 1 good and any number of demonic ones who deceive us, tempt us to sin and make people do all kinds of stupid crap in general.) And the only difference between a schizophrenic and YOU is that the little NEGATIVE aka psychopathic voice in your head still sounds like your own to you. That is all, that is the only difference between YOU and a schizophrenic. The little psychopathic voice and negative, UNREASONABLE thoughts are from the same entities but unlike a schizophrenic whose voices are not theirs, we do not suspect this. Now ask yourself; which is worse; Having negative thoughts in your own inner voice, or from “outsiders”? Yea, that is a good question! Non-schizo people are clueless to this. So be careful what you allow yourself to think, feel, say and do because if it is negative or “UNREASONABLE” it is NOT from YOU, the Truth loving soul God Created! There is good news here though, since you have made it thus far YOUR CHOICES are still up to you as of right now. That is one small success! However, first realize that the only reason you are here is because God Guided you. SO GIVE THANKS!!! Say; THANK YOU YHWH! Yea, give thanks for having a CHOICE while remembering it does NOT matter to anyone but YOU AND YOUR ENEMIES WHO WANT YOU TO FAIL. Indeed it does not matter to us and it definitely does not matter to God, only to YOU and your enemies. And take serious note that most jews do not want you to know they are jews because that is what has gotten millions of them killed and kicked out of 180 countries! And the jinn do not want you to know they even exist, much less how much control they have over us because that is how they rule the world! And whether it be externally by the jews or internally by jinn, all their inputs are designed to demoralize us. They want us to be selfish, unjust, envious, greedy, doubtful, arrogant, apathetic, rash, guilt ridden, perverse, shallow, ignorant, deceitful, fearful and depressed. Godless! Thankfully there will be no jews soon! And many jinn are 7,000 to 8,000 years old but God Tells us their time will also be up at “The End”. Imagine, what will life be like without all their LIES and evil, satanic, murderous crap? Heavenly maybe? We might be onto something there eh?


La, la, la, sing along; “If you beLIEved they put a man on the moon” . . . you must still be deep asleep in R.E.M. state! Consider all the blatantly telling events RECORDED ON FILM which remain at your disposal for you to study and use in KNOWING that we have not been to the moon. (Assuming you must be reading this in a free country where said evidence is still available.) For instance; Humans passing through deadly radiation fields and asteroid belts, TWICE, without any protection yet remaining completely unscathed; Shadows from two light sources above the set while on the supposed moon surface; Totally undisturbed moon dust under the propulsion engine of the rocket; The flag with a curtain rod sewn into it to make it look like it was floating weightless; Filming equipment and crew reflections on the face shields; Oh and do not forget the lack of stars in all pictures/film from both the rocket and moon surface! (Because correctly depicting the constellations in the vids was impossible for the satanic Hollywood jews to do back in the 60s.)  Or that there was no one on the moon to film the first astroNOT Armstrong climbing out of his rocket ship, yet still we have that footage! And no manned return trips ever since, not even by one single other space agency around the world?!?!?! Or just keep it simple in recalling that the jewed satanic vatican named their largest telescope located in Arizona “lucifer”. Hey was it not Yeshua who said that he is the father of lies?! (John 8:44) And since he did indeed say that, do you think there is ANY LIMIT to what such liars would lie about??? They have lied about EVERYTHING of any import, THAT IS THE ENTIRE POINT. Accepting that FACT is job #1 for regaining YOUR SANITY and saving YOUR SOUL. All we know is the moon is a disc of unknown makeup orbiting somewhere beyond the impenetrable firmament. Hence, we have never been there! And FYI; Not knowing these kind of things is fine, it is only believing LIES that gets us in trouble because they are created specifically to counter Truth! Hence, saying “I do not know” is often among the greatest signs of intelligence, especially when it is THE TRUTH! And recall we know NOTHING compared to God Who Knows quite literally EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING in EVERY language, code and medium existent!


The following extremely powerful prayer was given to Abraham by God about 4,000 years ago and has been used by every prophet since. (i.e. Yeshua for example who “fell down on his face and prayed.” Mat 26:39) Hey, that is what other Monotheists like Muslims do too, right?! Let us also recount that Yeshuas native tongue was Aramaic and the GENERIC word for “God” in Aramaic is “Allah”. In Biblical Hebrew it is “Eloh” but since there were no vowels in said languages it is essentially formed from the same 2 consonant sounds of “L” and “H” and therefore the same word! Hence we can say with absolute certainty that all the Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic speaking prophets were REAL SEMITES who prayed to YHWH and referred generically to him as their “Allah”. (aka “Lord” or “God” which are just newer, generic English words for “Allah”.) And FYI; Abrahams prayer is used by about TWO BILLION Muslims around the world to this day because it itself is the first short chapter of the Quran! They know that the demonic jinn hate it and will temporarily flee from those reciting it. Hence, we can think of it as a powerful tool for “short term exorcisms” which is why all the prophets and others who have used it were/are known to do so frequently! (i.e. Muslims who pray formally AT LEAST 5 times per day, and DOZENS if not HUNDREDS more times per day informally in silent prayer!) And FYI; That is the very same reason YOU want to use and benefit from it as well! So, if you are among the wise, you will copy and paste Abrahams “Opening/Contact Prayer” onto your device/s for repeated daily use until you have it committed to memory. It is short and easy, here ya go;

In The Name Of YHWH; The Almighty, The Merciful. All praise to You, Lord of the Worlds; The Merciful, The Compassionate. The Only Master of Judgement Day. You Alone we serve and to You Alone we Pray for help. Guide us on the Straight Path. The Path of those who have Your Blessing, not the ones with whom You’re Angry, nor those who go astray. Thank You YHWH!


All of the major prophets including Yeshua promoted and followed Gods Laws because they are simple, easy and rewarding beyond compare! He himself said; “If you wish to enter Heaven keep the commandments.Mat 19:17 However, since they are obviously of greatest importance and key to where YOU will spend Eternity, guess who lied to you about them!? Indeed. So, here they are intact with the originally intended meanings; (Again a suggestion to the wise; Copy and paste them on your device/s for quick reference during the rest of your days!)

  1. Serve, honor and obey YHWH Alone, treat no others as gods.
  2. No idolatry – No object or image can represent YHWH.
  3. His Name is YHWH, use it often and reverently for not doing so is taking His Name in vain.
  4. Devote yourselves to God and Godly things on the day of rest.
  5. Honor your kin and brethren by being a blessing to all.
  6. Do not cause unnecessary harm, torment or death to any living soul, esteem all of Gods Creation.
  7. Do not commit adultery with body, heart nor mind.
  8. Do not steal, cheat or lie if it harms your brethren.
  9. Do not bear false testimony against or falsely accuse your brethren.
  10. Do not envy others, wish all the best and always give thanks for what you have.

Following the commandments truly is the simplest and EASIEST way to increase the odds of passing the test called life! The only other things really needed to succeed are the Opening Prayer and some authentic, “up to date scripture” to fill in the blanks. We have that covered too. For now enjoy learning and knowing how to follow those, the easiest and most beneficial rules in the universe! And take particular pleasure in the fact that the LIARS who run the world of current tried their best to hide them from YOU but have now officially FAILED! So, you now have Gods Directions for LIFE. Congrats!!!


The 10 commandments are the only laws that carry Eternal life sentences for breaking any one of without repenting and asking for forgiveness well before the day you die. IF NOT, YOU ARE LIKELY GOING TO HELL FOR ETERNITY. (Again, unless you are ALLOWED to die fighting for God.) If on the other hand, before death looms, you do cease aka repent from breaking each of those ten VERY SIMPLE, EASY TO FOLLOW LAWS AND ASK GOD TO FORGIVE YOU, HE WILL. Well, as very thoroughly covered in Truth #3, Commandment #6, known as “Thou Shalt Not Kill” actually pertains to any living thing with a soul which we are told includes animals like cattle, sheep, chickens and pigs. And more so, it also includes unkindness, oppression and/or persecution of them which God abhors and tells us is worse than killing. (Q 2:217) OK, now look into the eyes of any of the aforementioned docile animals which are KILLED very young. (As if teenagers when likened to human aging.) And consider the parties who are responsible for said KILLINGS. Indeed they are unquestionably done for and on the behalf of those who eat/use of them. Yea and they are killed right when they weigh enough to make the best profit, that is when these innocent youths are MERCILESSLY and BRUTALLY slaughtered aka MURDERED in cold, horrifying, often filthy, degrading conditions right in front of each other. (FYI Websters says “murder” is “To slaughter wantonly” AND IF YOU DO NOT TAKE THIS VERY SERIOUSLY YOU ARE BETTING YOUR ETERNAL SOUL ON WHETHER OR NOT GOD DEFINES IT THAT WAY TOO!) FYI; Aside from circumstances when one is facing death from starvation, (which God Tells us He Forgives Q 2:173) the only living things we can prematurely kill to eat are those with insect-like brains like fish which are soulless. This one was not easy for us because we each grew up on ranches in the hunting, “meat n tater” belt of the Midwest. But God Guided us deep into this Truth to document it for others like YOU in Truth #3. This being several years into the “soul free diet” we are no longer the senseless hypocrites who said they love animals but in reality were the cause of their incarceration, suffering and horrifying, premature deaths. The cherry on top was regaining our health, lowering our grocery bills, eating truly satisfying foods and knowing God will not send us to Hell for being the deceived fools we formerly were! Pretty good deal huh?


Everyone of minimal intelligence knows we cannot trust the news to give us Truth. But very, VERY, VERY FEW non-jews know it is all about satanic jews “controlling the opposition”. And fewer yet comprehend the full extent of just how deep it all goes. As shown on the homepage at and elsewhere, we have proven that EVERY SINGLE POPULAR ACTIVISM GROUP are “controlled opposition” ran by the satanic jews. The best example is that ALL THE ANTISEMITIC GROUPS ARE RAN BY jEWS! (Read that again and grasp the reality! Even Hitler was C.O.!) Then, when any REAL OPPOSITION crops up, like us for instance, it is hushed or taken over by them so they can control the narratives. Hence THE LARGEST SWAT TEAM ATTACK IN U.S. HISTORY ON US, and a 2nd one to boot! Controlled opposition is why most have never heard of “satanic jews” or their racist book of satanic hate literature the talmud. (Neither of which are found on THEIR aforementioned anti-semitic websites. Did you catch that?) It is also why they are constantly selling fear in all their media and online. For instance; Did you know that the vast majority, if not ALL of mass shootings are just totally fictitious, well planned events complete with jew-ish actors, scripts and makeshift sets as if produced in Hollywood? Watch our movie “Chabad” for the most excellent example of that! The jews do it for all kinds of reasons but mostly to spread fear of attending large gatherings with other non-jews and to garner public support for gun control laws. (To protect themselves from We the united/armed People.) That and passage of any number of other laws designed to rob YOU of YOUR FREEDOMS, a lot like, err EXACTLY LIKE 9/11 and the Patriot Act. So again we say “relax”, do not buy into their fear mongering BS. There are very few, IF ANY, mass shooters, terrorists, envelopes of anthrax or tainted Tylenol. And zero nukes, asteroids or meteors, not even any satellites to fall on you or scary corona viruses that can kill you. (Because the corona virus is the common cold. But if you are stupid enough to expose yourself to high levels of wireless radiation, then it can easily kill you.) Yea, aside from that the only real threats to YOU are the psychopathic satanic jews, demonic jinn and of course God, the latter of which is the ONLY ONE that EVERYONE should be in seriously WISE FEAR of! (Instead of having “FOOLish fears” over nonexistent threats from LIARS.)


ALL non-Muslim people living today have little to no ACTUAL knowledge about the Quran. ANYONE who simply reads it will immediately realize that it is full of THE SAME STORIES about THE SAME PROPHETS AND MESSENGERS IN THE BIBLE and it is sent from THE SAME GOD, YHWH!  Indeed everyone has been LIED to about the Quran, Islam and Muslims, even many Muslims themselves! So, let us cover the basics right here and now. “Abrahamic” faith means MONOTHEISTIC belief in the One True God YHWH who gave us the Vedas, the Psalms of David and the 72+ other Old/New Testament books of the 3,000 year Biblical era ending with Yeshua. And then lastly, the Holy Quran about 600 years after Yeshua from Mohamet who God told us was His LAST Prophet. (We emphasize “LAST Prophet” because with that notice from God we can be 100% certain that any other self acclaimed prophets since Mohamet, such as Joseph Smith and hundreds more, were/are all FALSE prophets.) And now the Quran For Christians (QFC) is the only English translation of the Quran that can be fully trusted because it has been written by a REAL, HONEST, GOD FEARING American. As seen in our movie “The End“, this translation of the Quran was prophesied by Mohamet about 1,400 years ago and indeed has now occurred. And as detailed in Truth #5, we are repeatedly warned by God in previous scriptures that anyone living today who neglects to read this version will be destroyed. (Because they will remain deceived due to not overcoming the big deceptions exposed in it.) It is all quite clear and obviously extremely serious. Ultimately, ALL of the people who survive what comes will only do so because they followed the teachings of the QFC which again are identical to those of the Vedas and Bible. The QFC is simply an expanded understanding of them with clarifications that are of the upmost import for anyone looking for surety in how to succeed at obtaining the only things that matter, PEACE, ABUNDANCE AND GRACE FOR ETERNITY. If you would like to regain some serious ground in this world of LIES AND DEFEAT YOUR MORTAL ENEMIES, download your free .pdf copy and/or better yet, read it online at Peggys’ layout there is superb, it reads extremely well and even has lots of pics!


“It is required that those ENTRUSTED with RESPONSIBILITY must prove to be worthy.” 1 Cor 4:2 This oft repeated subject herein is a hard one because IT MATTERS. Yea, and thankfully the hardest things ALWAYS OFFER THE GREATEST REWARDS. So, would “being worthy” include NOT being an abuser, oppressor or murderer of innocents? What is your answer? Now look in the eyes of your children and pets, you will see their innocence, vulnerability and DEPENDENCE UPON YOU. Indeed, we are all RESPONSIBLE for those who cannot tend to or defend themselves. Well, go to any modern ranch, dairy or other animal related operation and look into the eyes of all the completely innocent and defenseless animals. Do you see how the satanic jews have deceived everyone into being uncaring CRIMINAL participants in the miseries and MURDERS of those totally innocent animals who have no one but us to help them. Truly ask yourself if they are being incarcerated, oppressed and murdered FOR TOTALLY UNNECESSARY, SELFISH and STUPID REASONS? And besides, does anyone really want to eat CURSED, BLOODY, hormone, steroid and tumor filled meats or pus ridden dairy products? ALL OF WHICH ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO US TODAY IN PURE, PLANT BASED FORMS THAT ARE FAR HEALTHIER, TASTIER AND OFTEN EVEN LESS EXPENSIVE! Indeed, asking yourself this question now beats waiting to be asked about it on Judgement Day! THINK ABOUT THAT BECAUSE IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO EVERYONE WHO FAILS TO GRASP THIS! Study Truth #3, watch the vids there and look into your heart. Good people get it and if that is you, ask God and all the animals for forgiveness. HE AND THEY WILL. Out of all the things we have learned, this simple change in diet is far and away the most rewarding thing we have done so far. (As of this writing.) We now thank God for it more than anything else because it makes us feel more like the intelligent, caring and RESPONSIBLE beings He Created us to be! (The exception for Peggy only was finding Monotheism and learning Gods Actual Name after being a deceived, private schooled, zeus/sus, amen and cross worshipping christian for her 1st 45 years of life.)


The word sounds as if it means others that come from outlying areas of the Earth does it not? (i.e. The Artic, Antarctic, under the earth and in the seas.) And who else would these certain others be (that are obviously not human) which are often referred to in scriptures and other records from all around the world? For instance; “And the SONS OF GODS saw that the daughters of men were beautiful.” The rest of that story in Gen 6 is about lucifer and 200 of his ET pals raping women to father the “nephilim”. The first line were all male, ET/human hybrid giants which are very well documented throughout the Vedas, Bible and Quran along with many other sources. But the existence of those same ETs is now very well hidden from us in all the worlds archeological digs and non-scriptural history books. They are whose non-human RH blood types and foreign HLA DNA otherwise inexplicably flows in the veins of millions of their jew-ish offspring to this day. However they are now also female and most notably those of disfigured sexes and degenerate tendencies due to defects in their genes from said unholy union. (Watch OUR VERSION of “Hollywoodism” to learn how to spot these freaks!) Those of this ET bloodline are the most ardent promoters of talmudism and full on racist hatred of non-jews and God. Again, there are good ETs too, they are of the tribe of “Magog” while lucifer is of “gog”. Both are prophesied to come in warring multitudes alongside their good and evil humanoid counterparts soon. All those Hollywood movies about ETs and their advanced crafts are definitely NOT baseless and the satanic jews who built, own and run Hollywood know it for 100% certain! For instance, while becoming a satanic 33rd degree mason, the jew-ish Hollywood producer James Cameron was honored by corrupt jinn who flew their “ufos” in formation over his initiation ceremony in Phoenix, AZ. This blatantly brazen event back in 1997 was witnessed by thousands and widely publicized. It is now commonly known by millions as “The Phoenix Lights Incident” and the satanic Hollywood jews even made several movies about it to rub it in! But then again, the jinn themselves also enjoy doing so, wanna talk about 1,000s of “crop circles” now?


Anyone over the age of 40 knows that the weather we are experiencing nowadays is extremely unnatural. And anyone of any age with eyes and a brain can look up in the sky to see white lines that look like normal vapor condensation trails (aka contrails) from jets. But instead of evaporating like all real contrails do, (because they are made of water) some, often many on some days, persist and then fan out to create unnatural hazes and rainless clouds. It is because Clinton along with 31 leaders of other U.N. state parties established the “treaty on open skies” back in 1997. Ever since then it has been legal for their military planes loaded with literally tons of powdered tri-methyl aluminum (and a long list of other things) to have unimpeded, international access to alter YOUR atmosphere. There are far too many excellent documentaries about geoengineering aka “chemtrails” to deny it without doing ones due diligence. Hence those who do deny it are very, VERY, VERY likely to be YOUR ENEMIES who are hiding their true/jew identities. (Think about this, why would anyone go out of their way to deny such a Truth when the evidence is both abundant and irrefutably obvious to the naked eye?) Indeed, the only ones who would are the LIARS. 90% of them are known as secret or “crypto jews”. They hide their identities and sick, talmudic ideologies including their hatred for God, YOU and the rest of His Creation. It is because they fear being prosecuted, vanquished and executed which is exactly what is going to begin happening again soon, for THE LAST TIME.  If you were not aware of this assault on YOU and the Earth, watch our documentary “The Chemtrails Questionnaire” playing now in Truth #3B. That will do it, you will understand how the jinn and satanic jews are using said particulates along with “directed energy” from Nexrad and HAARP to severely manipulate the weather on Earth. And more which is why YOU want them dead and gone just like we do! And thankfully for all non-jews, GOD DOES TOO! Who do you think will succeed?


Overpopulation of Earth is a satanic LIE to make YOU feel bad for being human and reproducing! David grew up in the “Corn Husker State” of Nebraska and in the late 70s he helped build the largest grain bin on Earth then. The satanic/masonic/jewish govt subsidized the building of it and thousands of others back then to hide the fact that the US was overproducing food that could have fed the starving masses in 3rd world countries. They then came up with toxic GMO corn for unneeded and unwanted, engine damaging ETHYNOL. Use of toxic weed killers for said GMO corn has now officially ruined over HALF of our fertile soils rendering them unusable for food crops. It is all intentional replacement and degradation of farmlands that could/would feed many multiples of the worlds population. This is also why the satanic jews would rather see you eating meat which requires up to TWENTY TIMES more food crops to grow the MURDERED animals. Add to that 3 other FACTS; 1. The US has about 900 million acres of farmland.  2.  ONE acre can easily feed 25 people with high quality food for a year. In the worst of situations, 1 acre could “easily maintain the lives” of double that, or about 50 people per year with more focus on traditional mainstays of certain higher yielding crops. (i.e. corn, wheat, rice, potatoes, beans, etc.)  And 3. 900 million acres x 25 “useless eaters” (what your satanic/jewish “leaders” call YOU) = 22.5 Billion. Hence, there was already enough farmland established in America alone, to feed TWENTY TWO AND A HALF BILLION PEOPLE very, very well (or 45 Billion in lessor fashion) not just the mere 7 Billion living today!!! AND NOTE THAT IS SOLELY CONSIDERING U.S. PRODUCTION WHICH IS ONLY 1/10th OF THE WORLDS! Confirm all that at Oh, and you can forget about global warming too, after several long decades of supposed glacial melt the oceans have not risen one tiny iota have they? Nope, not a drop! See how simple the Truth is? Just focus on Truth, breathe and get back to God. The rest of life is basically just a shit show of satanic lies and all the world is a stage!


The topic of this teaser is covered multiple times herein BECAUSE IT IS OBVIOUSLY IMPORTANT! Failing to understand Gods Dietary Laws will be one of the top reasons that BILLIONS of people REMAIN cursed, get sick and die prematurely only to be sent to Hell for Eternity! We begin with the obvious; There are names for every kind of diet imaginable such as Carnivorous, Vegetarian, Vegan, Pescatarian, Keto, Mediterranean, Palio, Sirtfood, etc.. But none of those describe the most wholesome, healthy and inviting diet of all, Gods! This is true even though it has obviously been studied by billions of readers of scripture for millennia. Yet still, there is no commonly known name for this wonderful diet! Yea, even though it is the ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS AND WORKS. Hence why The Creator of our souls and bodies prescribed it for us! As always, simply following Gods Directions makes us succeed. In this case by enjoying good health with solid senses of MORALITY and EMPATHY as the good stewards He entrusted us to be. Basically, just eating correctly makes us thrive NOW AND LATER! (Due to overcoming one of the favorite deceptions of the murderous, blood drinking, satanic jews. Yes, really. Hence why there are 1,000s of vampire movies from every jew infected country on Earth.) That is who deceived us and why we do not even have a word to describe how good, Godly people eat! So, we are going to change all that right now! Enter “Deitarianism” which will inevitably be the diet of everyone remaining on Earth. In Lev 11 we learn that Deitarianism is basically Vegan plus any kind of fish with both fins and scales. If so inclined, we can also add honey and certain protein rich insects including katydids, crickets, grasshoppers or locusts like John the Baptist ate. (Mark 1:6) And take serious note that simply going Deitarian is a known cure for diabetes, heart disease and even cancer as well as a very long list of other ailments now common to billions of poor, erring fools like we were. So, begin getting used to “STOMACHING THIS”! Or, be prepared to spend Eternity in Hell. Yea, do not let your jinn or the jews win on this one BECAUSE IT WILL GET YOU SENTENCED TO ETERNAL HELL FOR THE MOST SERIOUS CRIME OF ALL, MURDER!

~ WORD! ~

DAVID 2000?

You have now learned about ETs like lucifer and the satanic jews fathered by them. Let us see what Yeshua said of them all; “You are of your father the devil, and the wills of him you still do; he was a murderer from the beginning; a liar and the father of it.John 8:44 And . . . “Those who say they are Judahites but are not and do lie. For they are of the synagogue of satan.Rev 2:9 and 3:9 They are the satanic, degenerate, inhuman, crypto jew liars who still secretly live among We the People today exactly as they have for millennia. They hate YOU while smiling, laughing and deceiving YOU into not believing important Truths, especially this one about the 2nd David who is Gods Last Messenger. And it is because just like all the previous messengers, he is their #1 enemy on Earth today who is widely prophesied to EXPOSE (like he has done with you right now) and destroy them! You will learn in our movie “The End” they are why 3,000,000,000 christians do not know about the 7 VERY RELIABLE BIBLE PROPHECIES WHICH TELL US SPECIFICALLY HIS NAME WILL BE “DAVID“. Think about that. Have you ever heard this? And to make things worse, your jinn do not want you to know about David either. It is them, the jinn who are actively trying to get you to disbelieve ALL of these TRUTHS, but especially this one RIGHT NOW. They are mentally connected to YOU right this second and can do any number of things to trip you up and make you disbelieve that God has indeed sent His Last Messenger exactly as He repeatedly Promised in all the scriptures. And He also Promises in upward of a hundred verses that when given the opportunity (i.e. like NOW) those who do not listen to His Messenger/s will earn Eternal Hell. (Simply from remaining deceived by the enemies!) SO REMEMBER, BOTH OF YOUR MORTAL ENEMIES WANT YOU AND YOURS DECEIVED AND SENT TO HELL FOR ETERNITY. That is why they all want YOU to disbelieve in BOTH GOD AND HIS LAST MESSENGER! But in the end it will be God, David and his followers who succeed, no matter what. That is the outcome WHICH IS 100% GAURANTEED BY GOD regardless of anything that anyone else does. Hence what others do really does not matter to us, you or anyone else for that matter. Indeed, it does not matter to anyone but YOU whether you win or lose in this great game, test and WAR called life. Everyone is on their own and we have only put this here for God because as you will see, if you have not already, that is our job. In so doing God has given both you and us a chance to succeed, and there is the proverbial rub!


There is obviously good reason behind the naming of our last movies “The End” & “The End Explained“. TENS OF MILLIONS of religious scholars from every faith on Earth say we are within years, not even a decade, away from seeing 1,000s of the final prophecies of end times manifest into reality. They also say that they and indeed all of us have bore witness to the fulfillment of well over 90% of the prophecies prophesied by all the famous prophets. With literally 1,000s of prophecies made, the most prolific and again LAST of those prophets was Mohamet some 1,400 years ago. His, as well as the majority of all the other authentic prophecies are often very specific in ways that simply could not apply to any other time in history. Indeed, 90% of literally THOUSANDS have already happened, most of those in just the last couple decades. The majority of them that remain pertain to the great war between Gods’ Servants and the enemies. The latter are going to lose, be culled and get sent to Hell for Eternity. THERE WILL BE NO MORE PROPHETIC WARNING SIGNS WHEN THIS FINAL WAR ACTUALLY BEGINS. AND THERE WILL BE NO CHANCE TO LEARN OR REPENT WHICH TAKES TIME. RIGHT NOW AND EVERY SECOND UNTIL THAT WAR BEGINS IS OUR ONLY CHANCE. HENCE EVERYONE HAD BETTER USE THEIR TIME WISELY! Indeed, be acutely aware that the most important of all Truths today pertains to vetting and knowing Gods’ Last Messenger. As you will see, we ourselves have been doing just that since 2016 by studying what are 1,000s of prophecies about him. And we have found it is ridiculously undeniable, the 2nd David is here! And he is just another otherwise regular guy like nearly all of the other messengers were before they began their missions. (i.e. Krishna, Arjuna, Noah, Enoch, Hud, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Elisha, Ezekiel, Elijah, Job, Jonah, Isaac, Jacob, Daniel, Joseph, Jethro, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, John, Mohamet, etc.) They were all just normal men and Gods Last Messenger is too. But to be perfectly clear, this is all about God NOT His Messenger/s. They and David are just humans sent to warn and help the rest of us. And convincing others is NOT his, your or anyone’s job. The job is simply providing the opportunity for everyone to decide for themselves. And if you do YOUR JOB by in turn sharing this with others, you will see that is all anyone can do. The rest is between each person, their jinn and God.


There are literally millions of extremely complex lies that would take 1,000s of multilingual scholars CENTURIES to study, understand and explain. Confusing, deceiving and distracting humans aka Adamites LIKE YOU about God, Heaven and Hell was at the real core of all their lies. Hence God, Heaven and Hell are the first three subjects in the list above. GOD, HEAVEN AND HELL ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT SUBJECTS IN YOUR LIFE, FROM RIGHT NOW ON THROUGH THE REST OF YOUR LIFE UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE. The Truths behind the making of this and took us 13 years to research, prove and document for others who do not have the resources like we did. All while under heavy attack monetarily, spiritually and physically which YOU might experience too. (Life is a test, no one wins the Great Prize without proving they are worthy.) But we hope to have made your test a little easier. Consider that we each worked 80+ hours per week for said 13 years WITHOUT PAY. (This did not cost you anything did it?) If you would like to thank us, show your respect to God and help others, simply share this with the world. GOD TELLS US ALL TO DO THAT! (Yea, and all these problems of the world are obviously NOT ours or yours alone. Doing this work is the responsibility of each and every decent person living today!) And that 13 years of double time that we spent is equal to about 52 years worth of full time work for one person. Instead of that, now you and anyone you care about can consume all the info here and at in a matter of days, not even a week! However, even though you can consume the condensed info, you will NOT, by any means be done with all this that easily. It is going to take hard work, REPETITION and determination to deprogram yourself and overcome the whisperings of your jinn. (For instance, by reading this, the QFC and all the supporting texts at again, again and again for the rest of your life EXACTLY LIKE WE ARE.) Yea, it is heavy mental work but this is about the most precious and valuable thing you have, YOUR SOUL. And protecting that is worth spending as much time and working as hard as you possibly can! AND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE YOU HAVE FOUND A SOLID SOURCE OF 100% TRUTH WHICH APPLIES TO OUR DAYS EXACTLY LIKE ALL OUR ANCESTORS HAD FROM THEIR MESSENGERS. (PROVIDED ALL OF THIS IS NOT THE MOST COMPLEX, MASSIVE AND CO$TLY HOAX IMAGINABLE, SPANNING ACROSS MILLENNIA OF HISTORY IN THE MAKING OF. YOU DECIDE!)




So, Are You Deceived
or On The Truth?


Where Do You Stand?



3 Elemental Facts Every Human Being Should Know:

#1: On the 5th and 6th 1,000 year days of God respectively, (Gen 1:26-2:24) YHWH The One and Only God Created two species of mankind; First the transmitting telepathic jinn (i.e. ETs like lucifer) then the non-telepathic human receivers.

#2: With each race having freewill and capacity to do good or evil, some males of the former species raped females of the latter. The result was a hybrid-giant species called “nephilim”. (Gen 6:4)

#3: Originally, both jinn and humans knew the reality of God but that knowledge was corrupted resulting in THE ONLY THREE UNIVERSAL SECTS OF FAITH; MONOTHEISM, POLYTHEISM & NONTHEISM. (YOU are of one these, there are no other options.)

This is about Monotheism and the Final Testament we’ve recently been given to understand what this life was all about.


Gen 6:4 . . .When the “sons of God”(aka ETs like lucifer) came into (raped) the daughters of Adam who bore the nephilim. Quran 17:62 . . .I (lucifer) will infiltrate his progeny with mine.AdamTHE 3 UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS SECTS;
5000 BC
Noah4000 BC
Abraham (Brahma)1800 BC
KrishnaHinduism1700 BC
luciferian diis
*Talmudism1400 BC
MosesTheocratism1300 BC
judaism, free
masonry, satanism,
sorcery, witchcraft,
majick, astrology,
gnosticism, etc.,
etc., etc..
DavidProphet Kingship970 BC
Yeshua (Jesus)Christendom30 BC
MohametIslamism630 AD
Quran For Christians
2nd King David, Christ, Al-Mahdi, Kalki, Mashiac, etc.Monotheism2023> AD


Something To Remember Along The Way . . .

Whenever  ANYONE wants you to do or believe something; resist, stop & think. The reason is important; LITERALLY ALL OF US are deceived about some things. Many of us are deceived about most things. And even many more yet are deceived about VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING. Consider this very critical FACT before buying into ANYTHING someone else is trying to tell you, regardless of who they are or how much you think of them!

For instance, take joining Islam, becoming Muslim and praying with them; Do you understand the gravity of taking any kind of OATH relating to God which could determine whether you will spend Eternity in Heaven or Hell? Think about it. Can you solemnly promise to travel all the way to Mecca for Hajj before dying? And do you solemnly promise to wash and pray formally at least 5 times per day till dead?

Here’s the key; The vast majority of people won’t do those things. Hence, they will inevitably come to believe they are failures with God. And therefore they will be infinitely more likely to slack and fail even more. CHECKMATE!!! Here’s the deal; ONLY DO WHAT GOD COMPELS US TO DO. It’s simple. And as to agreeing to pray with others, are you sure you want to use their GENERIC, unspecific titles like “god”, “lord”, “allah”, etc.? Or gravely worse yet, invoking “sus”, “amen” or any other false g-ds and DEMONS in your prayers! See the problems?


FACT: Today, the only major “organized religion” that comes close to Gods’ Way of Monotheism is that of Islam. BUT… Reading the Quran does NOT make one a convert to Islam. And that is very, very good because YOU WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR FALSE, MODERN TEACHINGS.

(Or any other bogus religious theologies popularized today.)

Hence while Muslims are closest to the proverbial mark, most are still deceived and therefore parrot deceptions. (These unfortunate souls are known and used by the enemies as ”mockingbirds”.) So, count yourself among the lucky “blank slates” if you’re not among them and are new to Monotheism or Gods’ Final Testament to mankind! Let us see what We The People were never supposed to learn about all this.

World Muslim/Monotheism FACTS:

  • Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.
  • Jesus spoke Aramaic and generic “God” in Aramaic is “Allah”!
  • Every 4th person in the world is now a MONOTHEIST.
  • Populations of 58 out of 189 countries are 50% + Muslim.
  • 2nd largest faith in US, UK, France, Canada and Germany.
  • Now over 10 million Monotheists in the US and Canada.
  • Now over 4,000 Mosques in the US and Canada.

If you believe there’s only 1 God, you’re just a step away from True Monotheism. That step is learning Mohamet was Gods’ last prophet who delivered the defining capstones for all scripture from the Biblical and Vedic eras. And FYI; Literally 1,000s of Mohamets prophecies have came true with 100% accuracy. More than any other in all of history!

Common Views Among Christians & Muslims:

  1. The Bible and Quran agree:. . . on worship of God as The Lone, Sovereign Individual. “I Am The First and I Am The Last, besides Me there is no God.” (Isaiah 44:6)  “The Lord our God Is One.” (Mark 12:29) “He Is God, The One and Only.” (Quran 112:1)
  2. Prophets: Muslims believe in and RESPECT ALL real Prophets of God mentioned in the Vedas, Bible and Quran as equals.
  3. Birth of Jesus: (Yeshua hereafter) Besides Christianity, Islam is the only religion that embraces the miraculous birth of Yeshua. He also gets 100% honorable mention 25 times in the (short) Quran.
  4. The Highest Honor of All Women: is given to Mary, Yeshuas’ mother by being the ONLY woman named in the Quran. She is also even given a full chapter of her own. (#19 titled “Maryam”)
  5. Greetings: Yeshua and ALL the prophets had the same custom of always remembering to say: “Peace be upon you” to their brethren.
  6. Taking Off Shoes: God ordered Moses to take off his shoes. “Put off shoes from your feet.” (Exodus 3:5 and the same with Joshua in Joshua 5:15) Muslims take off shoes to enter Mosques.
  7. Purification Before Prayers: “Moses cleansed his feet.” (Exodus 40:31-32) “Paul cleansed himself and went into the temple.” (Acts 21:26) Muslims clean themselves before group prayers to benefit each other. “Wash your faces and your hands to the elbows and wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles.” (Quran 5:6)
  8. Fasting: Yeshua fasted 40 days. (Mat 4:2) Muslims fast 1 month each year during Ramadan, the 9th month in the Hijiri calendar.
  9. Humble, Bowing Heads During Prayer: “Abraham fell on his face…” (Genesis 17:3) “Moses bowed his head…” (Exodus 34:8) “Yeshua fell on his face and prayed.” (Mat 26:39) All Muslims learn to bow their heads to the ground while praying.
  10. No Statues / Images: “Thou shall not serve any graven image.” (10 Commandments) Monotheists do not serve, pray or bow to statues, images, people or anything other than The One God.
  11. X-mas Trees: Decorating trees is forbidden in the Bible. (Jeremiah 10:2-5) Muslims do not decorate trees.
  12. The Everlasting Covenant: God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants. (Genesis 17:7) ALL Muslims still keep this covenant, they circumcise all their sons at birth.
  13. Line of Ishmael: God chose the name Ishmael Himself. (Gen 16:11)  Muslims totally respect both Ishmael and Isaac (the father of Israel) as honored sons of our patriarch Abraham.
  14. The Messiah, Mahdi, Kalki, Christ, King to Come, etc.: Like Christians, Muslims also believe God Is Sending Yeshua to usher in the millennial reign with justice and peace on Earth, soon.
  15. Angels: Like Christians, Muslims also believe God Uses His Angels to help and guide each of us during this lifetime.
  16. Usury / Interest Forbidden: “Take no usury.” (Lev 25:36) “He has not put out his money to usury.” (Psalms 15:5) Charging interest is strictly forbidden in Islam. Imagine a world without greedy, corrupt, money grubbing, satanic bankers. It’s coming!
  17. No Faggotry: “God rained molten stones upon Sodom and Gomorrah.” (Gen 19:24) “They surely shall be put to death.” (Lev 20:13) “Lo! Of all available you seek males? While leaving what your Lord Created for you among females?” (Quran 26:165)
  18. Demons and Possession: Muslims strongly believe in paranormal activities. They know we are not alone and are constantly being tempted by “jinn”. (Biblically aka “demons”, “shedim”, “spirits”, etc.)
  19. Accountability: “Each person shall receive their own reward.” (1 Corinthians 3:8) “Every soul will be Rewarded for what it earned and none will be wronged.” (Quran 45:22)

How much do people know about Mohamet?

  • He was the last prophet (but not last messenger) from God till the Day of Judgment and he brought the Quran for the entire world.
  • He is just another of Gods’ Prophets all of whom were human. He is not God in any way and therefore Muslims do not worship him.
  • He began at age 40, spent 10 years in Mecca then 13 in Medina to spread MONOTHEISM for God. There was no other name for it back then and as we have already covered, there still isn’t.
  • The Quran was fastidiously revealed to him in its original and PERFECT Arabic verbiage via Gods’ arch angel Gabriel.
  • He was an otherwise ordinary guy with family and children before he became a prophet for God and the leader of his nation about 609 years after Yeshuas’ ministry ended.

Biblical Prophecies about Mohamet:
Reliable references about Mohamet in the Old Testament:

  1. God Blessed Abraham: God promised that Abraham would father some great nations and he did. (Hinduism, Christendom & Islam.) Mohamet came from the progeny of Abraham through Ishmael and Monotheism via Islam became the greatest nation on Earth for centuries, today it is still the 2nd greatest. It will be #1 again soon!
  2. The “Rejected Stones”: Many of Gods’ greatest messengers including David and Yeshua were called such. Yeshua prophesied another prophet coming AFTER himself; “For I tell you that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.” (Mat 3:9)
  3. The Unlearned Man: Mohamet was illiterate. It was prophesied (in Isaiah 29:12) to be said to a future man; “read this” and he replied; “I am not learned.” Mohamet is the only unlearned prophet we know of that is EVER mentioned in ANY of the scriptures.
  4. More on the Significance of the Unlearned Man: “And thou Mohamet read no book before nor wrote thou anything with thy hand for if thou did the falsifiers might not believe.” (Quran 29:48) “I Will Put My Words in his mouth and he shall speak them all.” (NT John 16:13 AND OT Isaiah 28:10-11) Mohamet did not write the Quran but rather heard, memorized and RECITED it. Thus Did God Miraculously Have His Words put in Mohamets’ mouth.
  5. A prophet from Arabia: “. . . Arabia, and all the Princes of Kedar.” –Ishmaels’ son(Ezekiel 27:21)
  6. Moses was a prototype of Mohamet: God said to Moses; “I Will Raise Up a prophet like unto thee.” (Deut 18:18) Mohamet was the only future prophet like Moses who was also a law bringer AND a priest AND a commander who God used to emancipate his people.
  7. The Successful: “He will not fall or be discouraged till justice is established in the earth.” (Isaiah 42:1-4) In spite of unending persecution, physical assaults and many military tours, he survived and was never discouraged nor did he express despair.
  8. The prophet to come with 10,000 Saints: “He will come with 10,000 saints and in his right hand will be a fiery law.” (Deut 33:2) Mohamet took Mecca with 10,000 soldiers and brought a complete code of laws identical to, but as customary with all later prophets, perfected with more details than those given to Moses.
  9. Until Shiloh Come: Jacob told his children; “…until Shiloh come…” (Gen 49:10) The Hebrew “Shiloh” means “Peace” and in Arabic “Islam” means “Peace”.
  10. Pilgrims of the Mecca Valley: “…they go through the valley of Mecca; there it has a place of springs and the early rain covers it with pools.” (Psalms 84:5-6) Mecca is where the famously ample and mysterious Zam-Zam springs come forth to this very day. And the Mecca valley is well known to have flooded often.
  11. Revealed Little by Little: “He teaches knowledge… line upon line; here a little, and there a little.” (Isaiah 28:9-11) The Quran was revealed to Mohamet by Gabriel gradually, piece by piece over the long course of 23 yrs; “here a little, and there a little”.  
  12. OT Prophecy By Name: “Mohamet” is mentioned by name: “Cheeko mane tah kim, vechulo Mohomadim”, translated “His language is most sweet, he is Mohamet.” (Song of Solomon 5:16)
  13. Proof of Prophethood: “When a Prophet speaks, if his Word does not come to pass or come true, it is word which the Lord has not spoken.” (Deut 18:22) After over 1,400 years now, NONE of the THOUSANDS of Mohamets’ prophecies have been wrong!

Of all Mohamets prophecies only a handful were for times of ole; i.e. Overthrow of the Persian Empire and confiscation of the Emperors’ treasures. That Suraqa, a companion of his, would get the bracelets of Ceasar. That the Romans would defeat the Persians. (Quran 30:3) That Chapter “Rum/Rome” of the Quran was revealed around 615AD in support of Christians. The Roman orthodox Christians won that battle 12 years later in 627 AD. He also said Muslims would soon conquer the Persian and Byzantium empires. Then came the 634AD battle of Yarmuk when they defeated the Byzantine Army and next in 637AD the battle of Madain where they defeated the Persians. The rest of his prophecies were recorded in the “hadiths”, most having to do with end times. Hence, they’ve been unfolding increasingly of recent.

Prophecies About Mohamet in Hindu Scriptures:

  1. Verse 5 of Bhavashya Puran: “His name will be Mohamet.” (Mahadev Arab) “O Ye! The pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia.” (Prati Sarg Parv III)
  2. Sama Veda, II, 6, 8: “Mohamet acquired religious law from his Lord. This law of religion is full of (Gods’) Wisdom.”
  3. Bhavishya Purana, Parv – III Khand 1 Adhay 3 Shloka 21-23: “… the followers of the Malechha dharma (Islam) are wise and brave people. All good qualities are found in the Muslims.”
  4. Bhavishya Purana in the Pratisarag Parv III Khand 3 Adhay 3 Shloka 10 to 27: “… they will be known as Muslims and I (God) shall be the originator of his religion.”
  5. Kuntap Suktas in Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 127 verses 1-13: “He is Mohamet.”
  6. Atharvaveda Book XX Hymn 21 verse 6: Describes Mohamets’ well known and victorious battle of Ahzab against 10,000 enemy soldiers.
  7. Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 21 verse no 9: “You have O Indra, overthrown 20 kings and 60,099 men with an outstripping Chariot wheel who came to fight Mohamet.”
  8. Rigveda Book I, Hymn 53 verse 9: “He is Mohamet.”
  9. Samveda Book II Hymn 6 verse 8: “Mohamet acquired from his Lord the knowledge of eternal law. I received light from him just as from the sun.”

There are many more prophecies about Mohamet in the Hindu scriptures.

NT Biblical Prophecies about Mohamet:

1. Yeshua  prophesied on Mohamet as “the comforter” to come: “He (God) shall give you another comforter.” (John 14:15) And; “For I have many things to say unto you, but you can’t bear them now.” (Like all prophets, Yeshuas’ messages were not complete. A last prophet was needed to deliver the final puzzle pieces from God, that’s the Quran.) ”He will show you things to come.” (John 16:14) Again, with literally 1,000s of prophecies made, Mohamet was by far the most prolific prophecier of all the prophets.

2. Many other Biblical mentions by name are found in the Gospel of Barnabas: (Originally in the NT) “Mohamet is his blessed name.”


The Greater Gospel of Barnabas:

1. Barnabas was a very trusted friend and close companion of Yeshua. The Bible still refers to him as an “apostle”. (Acts 14:14) And “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.” (Acts 11:24)

2. The actual “Gospel of Barnabas” used to be part of the Bible. In 325 AD, the followers of the FALSE apostle Paul gained control of “the council of Nicea” and made the following changes:

  • It canonized the 4 Greek Gospels that are read today. (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John)
  • All other Gospels about Yeshua including the Gospel of Barnabas were ordered to be destroyed by said (corrupt) council of Nicea.
  • The “Gospel of the Holy 12” about Yeshua is the only Gospel written in Aramaic (his native tongue) and was among them.
  • There are no less than 25 mentions of Mohamet by Yeshua himself in the Greater Gospel of Barnabus. (17:2, 36:1, 39:2, 39:3, 41:6, 43:3, 43:4, 54:1, 55:2, 55:3, 55:4, 97:3, 112:3, 136:4, 137:1, 158:8, 163:2, 163:3, 191:2, 220:4 ) This of course is why it was hidden by the enemies in the first place. Indeed, due to those verses along with others with very blatant assertions by Yeshua himself saying that he was not God nor the son of God but rather just another prophet of God.

From the Gospel of Barnabas

  • Yeshua said: “God hath no equal… He hath no father nor mother, he hath no sons, nor brethren, nor companions.” (Barnabus 17)
  • Yeshua said: “I am man, born of mortal woman, subject to the Judgment Of God, suffering the miseries of eating and sleeping, of cold and heat, like other men. When God shall come to judge, my words like a sword shall pierce each one that believes me to be more than man.” (Barnabus 93)
  • “The priest asked Yeshua; Art thou the Messiah of God? He answered; Indeed I am NOT, but he (the 2nd David, Christ, Kalki, Mashiac, Mahdi, etc..) shall come after me.” (Barnabus 96)

A Little About The Holy Quran.

  1. The Quran is a collection of extremely concise messages from God which we now know is encoded with VERY advanced science and mathematics. It is still memorized word for original Arabic word by millions of people to this day. Not one single letter has changed making it the most well preserved book in the world.
  2. Two of the earliest written copies still exist unscathed. One in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and the other in Istanbul, Turkey. 
  3. Sir William Muir wrote “There is probably in the world no other book which has remained 12 centuries with so pure a test.”
  4. Dr. Maurice Bucaille, a French Christian, compared scientific facts in the Bible to the Quran. He writes: “I could not find a single error in the Quran”. No one ever has or ever will. (Quran 2:23-4)
  5. Scores of scientific facts unknowable by humans 1400 years ago were revealed in the Quran.  Every single one of them have now been proven to be scientifically correct via modern knowledge. i.e.:
  • The “Big Bang” Creation & expansion of the Universe.
  • Movements and orbital patterns of the Sun, Moon and Cosmos.
  • Conception and states of embryological growth. (“The Developing Human” Prof. Keith Moore, Univ. of Toronto)

For total and utter proof of both Gods’ Existence and the authenticity of the Quran, see literally 1,000s of irrefutable scientific facts at!

The Original, Pure Creed of Every Major Religion Is Monotheism!

For instance, the words “Islam” and “Muslim” are NOT found anywhere in the Quran. But Monotheism IS! “Only the creed of Abraham, Monotheism inclines one to Truth.” (Quran 2:135) “So follow the creed of Abraham a Monotheist inclining to Truth.” (Quran 3:95)

  • Monotheism is indeed the universal religion practiced and proselytized by ALL of Gods’ prophets for ALL of “mankind”. Both Jinn and Humans alike have the Quran. (Quran 46:29)
  • Muslim means “one who submits” to the Will and Laws of God.
  • All Monotheists submit to God because as we are really beginning to understand today, He Is “Omni” in every good way, The One and Only PERFECT Being that we as intelligent humans cannot even begin to comprehend. “He Is The Exalted, The Tremendous, The Incomprehensible.” (Quran 2:255)
  • Monotheists are naturally attracted to one another in the deepest sense of any that are possible to be experienced by humans.
  • Monotheism automatically cleanses ones soul, it brings out the best in all men, women and children alike.
  • Monotheism is based upon Gods’ total Forgiveness for the previous errors of it’s followers. Therefore, there is also nothing that is not ultimately to be forgiven among its adherents.

The 5 Pillars Of Monotheism (NOT Islam)

  1. Firm Belief: In the Existence Of YHWH, The One and Only God, Sole Creator of the universe. And;
  • In ALL Gods’ Messengers with Mohamet being His LAST Prophet.
  • In ALL original versions of Gods’ scriptures. (Vedas, Bible, Quran)
  • In Gods’ “Unseen” World of Angels and all things Supernatural.
  • In resurrection, the Day of Judgment, interrogation and sentencing.
  1. Prayer: Seeking Help and Guidance From God directly using Abrahams’ “Contact Prayer” and always giving thanks to God.

“In The Name Of YHWH; The Almighty, The Merciful, All praise to You, Lord of the Worlds; The Merciful, The Compassionate. The Only Master of Judgement Day. You Alone we serve and to You Alone we Pray for help. Guide us on the Straight Path. The Path of those who have Your Blessing, not the ones with whom You’re Angry nor those who go astray. Thank You YHWH!”

  1. Fasting: Sunrise to sunset 1 month per yr. (for health/constitution)
  2. Poor Dues: Giving what you have in excess to help others, benefit society and make life on Earth better for all things great and small.
  3. Pilgrimage: . . . in Mohamets’ day, meant to journey to Mecca to worship God at Abrahams’ Kaaba. “They will come to thee (Mohamet) on foot and on lean camels.” (Quran 22:27) And today pilgrimage means to leave any situation where evil or oppression is rampant. So, now it’s basically emigration to promote Monotheism and protect the practice of Monotheism for everyone. “And whoever emigrates for the Cause Of God will find much refuge and abundance in the Earth.” (Quran 4:100) Hence those forced to leave their homes in the middle east today are actually being blessed by God. Indeed, these are among “…the meek who shall inherit the Earth.” (Mat 5:5)

What Does The Quran Say About . . .

Human Rights: Privacy, freedom, dignity, equality and CHOICE OF FAITH are all guaranteed, it is based 100% on freewill. God Tells us: “There is no compulsion in religion.” (Q 2:256)

Universality of Monotheism: God Says: “We have sent you (Mohamet) as a mercy to ALL THE WORLDS.” (Quran 21:107) This verse speaks of how Gods’ Messengers and Messages are for the benefit of all that exist in His Creations; Angels, Jinn, Humans and even Animals alike. It is all, for the good of all, from God!

“Jihad”: . . . means any effort in the path of God. It is often used to describe the constant struggle against the evil whisperings of jinn within ones mind, that is Jihad. Also, if innocents are being oppressed, it is the duty of all Monotheists to defend them. This too is Jihad. Jihad is never meant to force anybody to choose a particular religion. And no unjust act can be considered Jihad.

The Importance Of Women and Womens’ Rights: and honor are generally not respected by nontheists or polytheists. (Due to demonic influences disbelievers are infinitely more prone to combined with their lack of knowledge and respect for Gods’ Teachings against rape, domestic violence, frequent divorce, immorality, abortion, prostitution, intoxication, oppression, murder, low family values, etc.) Hence only Monotheists fully incline towards equality because it’s the Law. In many parts of the world women dare not walk on a dark street or even across an empty parking lot alone.

  • 95% of the victims of domestic violence are women.
  • Every 9 seconds a woman is assaulted. 4 women are murdered every day by their possessed boyfriends or husbands.
  • 4,000,000 women a year are assaulted by their possessed partners.
  • Family violence kills as many women every 5 years as the total number of Americans who died in the Vietnam War.

Status and Responsibility of Women:

Monotheism enjoins morality in behavior AND appearance. Hence, fashions reducing women to sex objects are frowned upon.

The Quran: gave women the right of inheritance and independent ownership, this was previously nonexistent in most of the world.

Women can work if they’d like: Mohamets’ 1st wife was VERY successful and then went on to distribute all her wealth in charity!

Protection of Womens’ Honor: “Those who accuse women (of cheating) must produce four witnesses.” (Quran 24:4)

Mohamet said: “Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.” And;

  • “The best of you are those who are kindest with your wives.”
  • “Generous are those who are good to women and wicked are those who insult them.” (Mohamet)

Status of Mothers: A man asked Mohamet: “Whom should I honor most?” The Prophet replied: “Your mother”. And who comes next?” asked the man. The Prophet replied: “Your mother”. And who comes next? asked the man. The Prophet replied: “Your mother!” And who comes next? asked the man. The Prophet replied: “Your father”.

Marriage: “He created for you mates from among yourselves … dwell in tranquility with them … He has put love and mercy between your hearts.” (Quran 30:21)

Independent Identity: Married women in Islam retain their independent legal personality and family name. They are not considered lower ranking, the property of or slaves to their husbands in any way!

Property of Wives: After Mohamet came with the Quran, women nor their families needed to present gifts (dowry) to attract a potential husband. Instead, the groom must now present the bride with a marriage gift and the bride may retain said gift even if she is later divorced.

Wage Earners: A wife is never obliged to act as a co-provider for the family unless she herself voluntarily chooses to do so. 

Divorce: God discourages divorce, yet recognizes everyones’ rights to end their matrimonial relationships if necessary.

  • “Live with them in kindness.” (Quran 4:19)
  • “A believing man must not hate a believing woman. If he dislikes one of her traits he will be pleased with another.” (Mohamet)

The Dress Code: “O prophet say to thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to cover their finery with modest garments. This will help purify their days and gain them respect.” (Quran 33:59) In Islam and nearly all the orthodoxies full covered dress is means of protection from unwanted attention/temptations on the parts of others.


False Polygamy: or “serial polygamy” is oft repeated marriage then divorce, or; a married man with one or more girlfriends, or; an unmarried man with two or more girlfriends. Some make a great show of monogamy but actually practice said wrong form of polygamy.

Billy Graham: . . . the Evangelist admitted: “Islam has permitted polygamy as a solution to social ills.” It is because real polygamy among believers was meant to provide homes and families to more orphans and widows. Hence most corrupted countries have since outlawed it! And now using each other without taking responsibility or making a commitment is more and more common because the laws of disbelieving leaders reward dysfunction and punish righteousness!

Is it really any surprise that nearly 4 out of 5 Monotheistic converts today are Good, Godly women?!

Some Famous Quotes About Mohamet:

  • Bernard Shaw: (the British philosopher) . . . said of Mohamet; “…the Savior of Humanity…..if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems.” (The Genuine Islam)
  • Gandhi: “It was not the sword that won a place for Islam. It was the rigid simplicity of Mohamet, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission.” (Young India)
  • Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam: “Mohamet cared for every human being and tried his best to ensure their security in the hereafter. This must be of the most telling of his compassionate and merciful characteristics.”
  • Michael Hart: “My choice of Mohamet to lead the list as #1 of the world’s most influential persons was because he was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.” (From a popular book called “The 100: A Ranking Of The Most Influential Persons In History”.)
  • Jesus: “There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.”

Rapid Modern Growth WITHOUT ANY Advertising!!

  • There’s not a single TV/Radio Station nor major newspaper or website owned or controlled by Muslims in the west. So, most of what westerners hear is anti-Muslim/Islam. Yet still Monotheism via Islam is the fastest growing religion all around the world!
  • Those who are most likely to accept Monotheism include learned priests, doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists, celebrities writers and scholars. Retirees, inmates and all others with free time also gravitate heavily, around 75% of all the above are women.
  • Monotheistic Muslim communities are now growing rapidly with over 4,000 mosques in the USA and Canada alone.
  • The FACTS herein leave zero room for doubt, Monotheism wins!

The Rational Choice:

  • Study the original Vedic, Biblical and Quranic scriptures, compare them all so YOU can make an informed choice towards Monotheism!
  • The Quran For Christians is the final Testament from Gods’ last messenger for all of mankind to use in correcting their lives until the Last Day of this world. i.e.“…then comes to you a final messenger confirming What (scripture) I (YHWH) Gave you before.” (Quran 3:81) “I (God) Have Perfected your religion for you.” (Quran 5:3)
  • Ignorant people say Islam was “spread by ‘the sword”. This is a lie and there is not even mention of the word “sword” in the whole Quran. Also, it was God Himself and His Angels Who repeatedly “smote” the many cities full of wicked disbelievers across history.
  • Also Consider that it only took a few devote, peaceful Muslims to go to Indonesia and successfully spread Islamic Monotheism. Today that is the largest Monotheistic country on Earth!
  • Allah, Eloh, Lord, Yah and other GENERIC variations of “God” are each referring to YHWH, The One True God. Adam, Moses, David, Yeshua, Mohamet and ALL the other Messengers of His and their followers were MONOTHEISTS. Hence, True Islam and Muslims are the epitome of Monotheism. And there is only one reason that Monotheism isn’t practiced by EVERYONE;


9/11 was done by THEM, then used to falsely demonize Islam and Muslims so the masses would remain ignorant about Monotheism and the Quran. Then about 10 years later THEY performed the largest SWAT attack in U.S. history in an attempt to kill us.  It was all so people like YOU wouldn’t learn the Truths we speak!

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